Sunday 28 December 2014

Yes, still here!

My goodness, the last few weeks have just flown by in a whirl of Christmas preparations, shopping both on line and in town, filling lots and lots of shop orders, and then at long last celebrating Christmas with our family. I hope that you all had a wonderful time, just as stress free and filled with fun and laughter as we did. Apart from processing orders, I managed to stay away from the computer for a few days, which was quite lovely really, but I did miss blogging and reading all your posts. So here I am again, (almost) back to normal, getting used to sitting at my desk again.

A little while before Christmas, I received some beautiful mail from blogging friends, and I just have to share these precious gifts with you. You all know Karen from Todolwen, don't you? We have all admired her gorgeous little crochet decorations, her absolutely delightful pincushions and all her other charming little creations, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to receive a package from her -

and this is what I found when I unwrapped them -

the most gorgeous Christmas red silk scarf and this wonderful, elegant grey Christmas stocking decorated with Karen's sweet little flowers and snowflakes. Inside the stocking were tiny little packages sweetly wrapped -

Love love love!

I have to show you a close up of those darling little crochet embellishments -

and a photo of the beautiful red silk scarf on its own, because it is so amazing -

Thank you again, Karen, for this gorgeous surprise gift from you, I adore it, and the Christmas stocking will be part of our Christmas decor every year in future :-).

I wish you all a lovely Sunday evening ( or even Monday morning, lol ). Toodlepip xxx


  1. My dear Liz,
    I am so happy you liked my little gift and you are so welcome.

    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  2. Oh ,Liz,
    Karen`s gifts are so sweet and so beautiful, ...the crocheted flowers and stars looks beautiful, and the stocking is so sweet. Wonderful snowflakes ,too, and the scarf ,so elegant!
    I hope dear you, that your christmas was wonderful,- ...Mine was !!.. and that you relaxed a bit , too :-)
    Sending loving hugs and smiles.
    Your Dorthe

  3. Liz, so much fun!!! I love that sweet gift from Karen, she is amazing, I love her pin cushions, as well! Her tiny crochets are so intricate and sweet, what a lovely, unique stocking!
    The scarf is gorgeous!!! I have seen such beautiful scarves here. I thinkoat of the scarves I own were purchased in Germany! Glad you've had some rest and enjoyed family. I've done my posts mostly on my phone and it is kind of a pain! They don't look as nice as I'd like them to. But, aw well, not much I can do about it! Hugs! Enjoy your sweet gifts!!!
    Hugs, Betsy

  4. Dear Liz
    Karens gifts are simply gorgeous!
    Her stocking is created so beautifully. She is a master crocheter. We have been blessed!
    Biggest New Year's hugs sweet friend and to Andy too!
    Talk soon!


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