Friday 14 November 2014

Gateways to the past

It was horrible here on the South Coast of the UK this morning. So dark and VERY wet. I needed to be reminded of summer days and sunshine and being in France. I remembered that I hadn't even downloaded pics from the little point and shoot cam I carry around in my handbag. So guess what I did? Yes, of course, I downloaded the pics, lol, and edited some to show to you. 

Sometime in August, I went for a little womble in a couple of streets behind the cathedral in Autun ( about 40 mins drive from our cottage ). Autun has oodles of history, especially Roman history, and I so enjoy looking at all the wonderful old architecture. I didn't have much time, just a few minutes while my friend and occasional neighbour Sue went to find a bakery, but even just strolling down a couple of little streets provided a wealth of architectural features. Gateways. Studded medieval looking doors, others with paint blistering and peeling, ornate grilles on basement windows, wrought iron gates. All drawing my thoughts and imagination back to past centuries. Fancy a little womble with me? -

I love this door!!! Just check out the close ups -

And what about this one? Isn't the colour absolutely gorgeous? -

Street corner -

Reminders that Bourgogne is a famous wine region are never far away -

My heart skipped a beat when I came to this magnificent house, a walled garden, a beautiful wrought iron gate, and......... a most beautiful curved stone stairway leading up to the house. I couldn't help myself, had to squeeze my hands through the ironwork and take a couple of pics -

This beautiful home was right opposite the back of the cathedral, so I took a couple of quick pics of the cathedral from that angle -

It is a magnificent building, and can be seen standing above the town from miles away. We drove a little ways up the hill and took this photo of it -

Thank you for taking this walk with me, it was a pleasure to have your company :-).

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Tusind tak Liz, for at komme med dig rundt i dit "sommerland" dejlige billeder elegance og forfald "hånd i hånd" den gamle laksefarvede dør, må ha været meget smuk i fordoms tid. knus og god weekend morkaren.

  2. Oh wow - amazing photos. What is it about windows, doors, peeling paint and stone that sets our hearts a flutter? Darned if I know but it does it every time for me!
    Carolyn xx

  3. Old French doors, and windows, are so intriguing.

  4. Oh what an amazing wamble! I could spend hours and hours wambling here but nothing could compare to seeing them in real life.

    Yes there is so much to love about those incredible wooden doors, stone stairs and iron gates but those walled gardens make me just "sigh"! It is about how these structures of so much beauty stand so still and strong as they stand the test of time like nothing else!
    They have been there for centuries before and will remain for centuries after we are long gone!
    Sunshine hugs from here Liz,

  5. Stunning doorways Liz. Oh the history of Europe. What beautiful images you've shared with us.

  6. Such wonderful and pittoresque doors, gates and buildings, -gorgeous colours, and that they are so worn from rain, and storm, only makes them so much more beautuful, in the eyes, of me ....I know a few whom would only see default and thinking of being neclected !! I`m happy I can see beauty in the worn and old , too !! And happy you showed this to me ( us) Liz, dear.
    Thank you for a lovely tour in this wonderful place !
    HUGS and smiles-Dorthe

  7. Your little point and shoot camera does you proud! These photographs are marvelous. The last one looks like a postcard image. I'm looking at this blog post on my iPad that has a wonderful retina display and most photographs look even better on here than on my computer or my iPhone. Love these images, all of them.

  8. danke für die tollen bilder und inspirationen!!! einen schönen dienstag wünscht angie aus deutschland


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