Thursday 2 October 2014

The promised treat

Before I show you what I received in the mail yesterday, I'll quickly show you a few more fabric beads I made. I took apart a scarf I had bought at a recent boot fair and used snippets of the brocade and velvet with a little bit of lace on base beads made with a cotton/linen mix cut from a hole-y French tea towel -

I love making these!

Now for the treat I promised you in yesterday's post. Better make yourself a coffee or cup of tea, there are lots of photos. The package which arrived yesterday came all the way from Australia ( at record speed, I hasten to add ), and that can only mean one thing - it was from Suzy!!!

I know you are all familiar with Suzy and her beautiful work, so you can understand that I was super excited. I had known it was on its way, but I didn't expect it that quickly. What did it contain? Nothing less than a one of a kind Suziqu's Threadworks exclusive fabric book! It arrived wrapped in the most beautiful velvet fabric -

 I really don't need to say anything else, do I, just sit back and enjoy the beautiful nature inspired pages -

I keep picking it up and studying the pages, there is just soooo much to see and admire.

I have a little bit more to show you, that will have to wait until tomorrow though. For now I wish you all a very happy day and thank you for visiting. Toodlepip xxx


  1. Kære Liz, jeg har nydt dit fantastiske billed galleri med de dejligste stof og nogle forarbejdninger, jeg havde hverken te eller kaffe, men blev alligevel bjergtaget. tak for dejligt kik og knus morkaren.

  2. Love, love the necklace...fabric beads are awesome! And the book you got is also fabulous…have to check Suzy`s blog!

  3. My dear Liz, you are a master in creating those beautiful fabric GORGEOUS are they ,LOVE !!!!
    And the book dear Suzy gifted you is so very amazing .Every page a new art piece, and in such lovely colour tones and wonderfully filled to the brim with old papers and gorgeous fabrics, I think this is one of the most beautiful books I have seen.
    Big friday hugs from me to you, and a kiss !!

  4. The fabric beads are beautiful! Now I know what I can make out of all those teeny fabric pieces I couldn't bear to part with!
    The book from Suzy is definitely amazing! such details and wonderful embellishments. I could spend hours looking at the pictures!

  5. Suzi's book has left me simply speechless! Literally can't find the words to do it justice! Your fabric beads are awesome and I bet they are super addictive - I hardly dare have a go!
    Might just though.....
    Carolyn xx

  6. Your beads are gorgeous Liz.
    The red tones are so beautiful and go so well with the necklace.

    Thank you for sharing your book purchase from me. Your
    photography in the images here is just amazing. It was such a joy to create this book and am totally wrapped that it is living with you in England and France!
    Butterfly hugs,

  7. You've made ​​wonderful new works, dear Liz! One is more beautiful than the other. I especially like the red fabric beads. Just great!
    And I love the book from dear Suzy. Such a gorgeous piece! WOW !

  8. Hello sweet friend, wow, your beads are fabulous! They are so colorful and bright. What a gorgeous color they are.

    As far as Suzy's gift, I've got to say her layering of fabrics make me cry. Her books are so beautiful. She is an angel for sure!

  9. Gorgeous fabric beads...Love them... WOW...What a gift to receive...each page is will treasure this always I'm sure....the attention to detail & fabrics are so Beautiful.... enjoy x x Hugs May x x

  10. Liz--- where to begin????

    Your fabric beads are so lovely and unique-- I'd love to see how you use them in a beautiful project:)

    Oh. My. Gosh. Suzy has truly outdone her beautiful self this time. The fabric journal is just gorgeous---- how can you stand to even lay it down?? I'd want to hold it and touch it every minute. It's more than beautiful--

  11. Hi Liz, loving your fabric beads they are so beautiful and that red is so elegant. All I can say about the Suzy's book is gorgeous. I would of gotten a heart attack, her work is amazing as yours.

  12. I am swooning over your "snippet" beads. The colors are pure heart love. As for the Nature book made by Suzy...breathless beauty! Her magic with lace and fabrics is beyond amazing. Dare to Delight...

  13. Now that I am back to my home computer with a larger screen instead of my college son's laptop, I can REALLY see the details...the beads as well as the book just take my breath away! So gorgeous! Like Vicki, I can't wait to see how you incorporate the beads into a project! They would be lovely on a necklace of some sort!
    Hugs to you, girl,

  14. Charming colours! And beautiful lace ribbons too!
    Enjoy life!


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