Wednesday 29 October 2014

Crafty little treasures

A little while ago, Wilma from the lovely EmpressWu Designs blog held a giveaway for some gorgeous tag sets she had created. TAGS! No way could I not enter such a giveaway, you know how much I love tags :-). And guess what, I was one of the winners, yay! All the tags looked fantastic in her photos, but I tell you, I was gobsmacked when I opened my little package, they are totally awesome fabric tags. Big, bold and beautiful, with a Circus theme -

Aren't they just fabulous?

Also waiting for me when we got home from the cottage on Saturday evening was my ATC swap package from Kimberly of ArtJoyStuff. Kimberly is the most amazing swap hostess and always surprises us with the sweetest little gifts. Look at this! -

That little box is just so cute!

And here are the terrific ATCs I received in the swap, beautifully packaged -

and OMG, the ATCs themselves, they are AWESOME! - 

From left to right, the ATCs are from Sheng, JoAnne, and Maggie. Thank you so much for creating such fabulous ATCs!

As much as I miss the tranquility of our French cottage, I was happy to be back in my craft room. I missed the last few Tag Tuesday challenges because I didn't have any craft supplies with me in France, so I was happy to be able to create a tag for this week's challenge, FRIGHT NIGHT -

Thats all, folks. Thank you for visiting, it is always great to see you here ;-).

Oh, and before I go, I should really tell you - visit Marie's Lost Bird Studio blog, she is having a giveaway which you'll love. Go check it out HERE!

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Oh how I adore Kimberly's swaps. I received my Masked Beauty ATCs also. Lovely wins you received. Creative Halloween Bliss...

  2. Good morning dear Liz,
    Those circus tags would brighten up anyone's day and Kimberly's swap tags have been created with so many gorgeous details. JoAnne's is just amazing!
    Isn't it so much easier now back home having all those special little items on hand to create your pretty tags again. Those girls are so cute!
    Sending warm hugs,

  3. Such fun tags! the circus theme is really clever, I LOVE her fabric tags! And your Fright Night tag is just CUTE!!! The little girls, minus the red eyes and black hats, remind me of my grand girls! I love the bird in the tree and the the foggy look of the pic you chose...I love EVERYTHING about it! So cute! Glad you are safe and sound back in the UK. I have a Christmas show next week, I will be selling our Sparkling Cider! I cannot believe it is the end of October...but that is good because November and December are just ahead...what fun we will have then!

  4. Welcome home, dear Liz !!
    Your welcome home gifts ,surely are some happy and wonderful tags.
    And the ATC`s and sweet gifts from Kimberly are so beautiful ,too!!
    Now about your own fright tag, I just love it,..only hope these sweet little girls, have no trauma after what must have been a most frightful evening sight !!
    HUGS from Dorthe, xx

  5. Liz,
    Oh yes, fantastic fabric tags indeed, the colors are so vivid.
    I missed Kimberly's swap this time around, boo hoo. What great ATC'S you received, love them all.
    Your two girls in the blue dress's are scaring me.....
    Thanks for sharing your goodies.
    Happy Halloween to you.

  6. Hi dear Liz,
    Your Fright night tag is wonderful. Love what you received in the mail:)
    Thank's so much for the shout out and good luck to you.Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Was für ein schöner Empfang, liebe Liz.
    So herrliche Dinge...
    Ich freue mich mit dir.

    Liebe Grüße von Sophie


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