Sunday 19 October 2014

A little bit of French magic

We know that we are incredibly lucky to have a cottage in such a beautiful part of the world. Every morning when I open the front door and look over our garden and the valley, the view takes my breath away. Our youngest son is with us this time, and he took a time lapse video of the sunrise the other day. I love it so much and wanted to share these magic moments with you -

I took a few photos on my morning walk with the dogs yesterday. Some of the clouds were rising up from the valley and drifting across our cottage and garden, which made for a beautifully sunlit misty walk -

And then there is that other bit of magic..........

Shortly after we arrived at the cottage, the dogs became very interested in the half collapsed little wooden playhouse under the pine trees in the garden. My heart sank, because I suspected that we had a litter of kittens in there. My dogs are not fond of cats. Not at all. So for the next few days we tried our hardest to keep them away from there. Nick was sure that he had seen 4 quite good sized kittens in there. I had a look a couple of days ago and could only see three absolutely gorgeous little darlings, but only two stayed put for pics -

 A day later, we heard some very loud mewling from the wood stack behind the house, and sure enough, there was another kitten behind it. It looked like it had come from the same litter, it was the same size, we reckoned about 6 weeks old, and the same colouring -

But because it was so far away from the other kitties, we weren't sure and thought that perhaps it might be another litter. We left it for a day to see whether it was being looked after, but today it sounded very distressed We debated for a long time what to do, but in the end I couldn't bear the distressed mewling any longer. I got it out -

and took it to what I am convinced are its siblings. All three of them were curled up in a corner on top of the kindling we kept in there -

Our wood stack kittie went straight in, found the den mum had made under the kindling straight away and went in. That kind of made me think that it remembered it as home. Two of the three siblings went in straight after, and eventually the last one did as well, and they all settled down together quietly. I checked again a couple of hours later and all was well. Phew. I know these cats are wild farm cats, but gosh, just look at them, they are so beautiful and I can't bear the thought of anything happening to them. I hope they'll grow to be big strong independent cats who'll make their home in one of the many straw or hay filled barns around us, and keep warm over the winter.

Thats it for today. Tomorrow is forecast to be another good day, but after that the weather will turn rainy and much more autumnal. So, more garden work tomorrow!

I have a few more things to show you, hopefully in a day or two. Until then, toodlepip xxx



  1. I'm in love!! They are absolutely adorable,I would have adopted all of them,I'm a terribly soft animal person :) made my day looking at those cuties

    Donna xxx

  2. Oh my, those blue eyes!!! Such beautiful kittens! And such a wonderful time lapse of the rising sun. The scenery with the mist is just stunning. Great shots dear Liz! Hugs, Wendy

  3. Wow, that time lapse film in beautiful, but I must say - your photos are incredibly gorgeous! Isn't it wonderful when nature works its artful magic right before your eyes? No doubt the kittens are siblings!

  4. Oh Liz Luv,
    your photos are stunning! Beautiful and the kittens are just so sweet.
    Wishing you a lovely week.
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  5. Beautiful photos and sunrise time lapse. Oh my, the kittens! I want to pick them up and hold them. Nothing cuter! I wonder where the Mom is.

  6. Such beautiful little kittens. Those eyes!!

  7. Hello my sweet lovely friend- dear Liz oh what a lovely post, with the amazing nature, and those beautiful little cats... they are so beautiful with their blue eyes !! whom could bear not to rescue that little one, having been too nosy, and help it back to the siblings ..I would have done the same .
    Lets hope they are able to live on their own and find shelter in winter, as you write !!
    Thank you for gorgeous pictures dear friend.
    Hugs and kiss from Dorthe

  8. Hi Liz
    Please keep us up to date with the progress of these beautiful kitties. Is Mum about? I know you wont be there much longer but how wonderful it would be if they were about and strong on your next visit.
    Carolyn xx

  9. Your images are amazing, Liz. Such beauty in scenery.

    Those babies are absolutely adorable. I pray I never find a stray anything because I am such a softie when it comes to animals. I adore them all.

  10. Girl, we have the same thing going on here! The Mama Kitty had her babies only a few days ago. We came home from a visit and we could hear mewing...tiny kitty mewing. We could hear the general vicinity the kitties were in, and this morning, hubby took a box with a hole and some towels in it to that area. there are only two kittens! The mama itty was just a 'teenage' cat and her tummy was not all that large, so I was not surprised that it wasn't a 6 kitten batch, but only two is unusual. I hope there are others around away from the mom...I will have to look tomorrow!
    Love your pictures of the kitties as well as your misty morning...and the time lapsed sunrise is gorgeous! Thank Nick for us! Oh, I have to prove I am not a robot now, so sorry if you have had issues with crazy posts....

  11. AND that is a lovely picture of you holding the kitten! I look forward to seeing you!

  12. The time lapse video is remarkable! And oh, Lizzie, those kittens!!! I can hear them mewing!

  13. What an endearing post! Kittens do have a way of getting to us with those little mews they make :D Glad all was well in the end! I just discovered your blog and I will be following your posts on Bloglovin' Thanks for sharing!
    Beth P

  14. Ohh Gott sind die süß. Also wenn ich Pauline nicht hätte dann würde ich mir sofort wieder eine Katze zulegen :)
    Das Bild von dir ist toll meine Liebe!

    Hugs und viel knuddels


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