Saturday 27 September 2014

Following a tutorial

Usually, I am pretty useless at following written instructions, even with pics. I am much better having somebody sitting right opposite me and showing me how to do it. BUT, Sandy from QUILL COTTAGE has the knack of making really logical, beautifully presented and easy to follow tutorials that even somebody like me can follow. Remember the wrist cuff tutorial she made ages ago, which I managed to follow and produce these -

Well, a few months ago, she made another tutorial, this time for WIRE WRAPPED FABRIC BEADS and they looked so gorgeous, I really wanted to make some myself. It has taken me a while ( a looooong while, lol ) to get round to it, but I finally started on them last night and made the basic beads. I used some scraps of a lovely 100 year old hand loomed French linen. They dried out nicely overnight, so this morning I got together a few tiny scraps of lace and scrim and a few odd beads I had in my odd-beads tub and dug out some jewellery wire. 

I had so much fun! There were a few mutterings as well. Trying to hold everything together whilst starting the wire wrapping takes some practice, lol, and getting fiddly little seed beads on there wasn't easy either. But I was loving it! Using up the tiniest bits of fabric and lace this way is such a very satisfying thing to do. And here are the results, nothing spectacular, but I am happy with them for a first try -

A huge thank you goes to Sandy for her fabulous inspiring tutorial.

I must say that I also got a huge amount of inspiration from Suzy, as she also made some amazing fabric beads and showed them on her beautiful blog. You have probably seen them already, but just in case you haven't been there yet, HERE is the link. The beads are at the bottom of the post.

And while we are talking about Suzy, this wonderful artist has just started filling the shelves in her Etsy shop again ( long overdue ), and oh my, the offerings there are just so delicious! You can find her shop HERE.

Thats all for now, I have to get some orders ready for posting tomorrow ( yep, on a Sunday, the only good thing to have come out of the privatisation of the post offices, the local post office is open 4 hours on a Sunday ).

Wishing you all a terrific weekend! Toodlepip xxx


  1. Hi Liz, love those beads! Yes some tutorials are really good aren't they? It's not easy to write clear instructions or make clear tutorials.Glad you found the one to help.

  2. Hi Liz,
    It looks to me like you know exactly what you are doing. The fabric beads are beautiful and so different. Keep up the lovely creating.


  3. OoooAhhh just spectacular are your linen fabric beads Liz. You have done such a great job! I just love the opal beaded one! Next step would be to see some in your Etsy!!!
    Thank you for the shout out to mine!
    Happy bead creating!
    Xox Suzy

  4. Hi Liz - great beads and the lace cuff pictured in this post is lovely, also. Thank you for adding a link to Suzy's Etsy shop. I didn't know she had added new items. I always love her handmade books and I ordered the needle keep just now. I always enjoy reading your blog posts and looking at all the treasures you find in France. Thanks for the enjoyable writing and fantastic eye candy.

  5. OHHHHHH they are WONDERFUL, Liz, I love all the bits and pieces you have added, and your beautiful pearls, and other things,- and you made the twirling ends of the wire- ,it looks beautiful, my sweet dear,- Gorgeous are they all,- how long are yours ?
    The wrist cuffs are adorable and beautiful, too- one so very elegant, and the other gorgeous with all you added to it.
    I too love Sandy`s tutorials , and she is a fantastic artist and lovely woman,too-
    Liz, I need to d go on with the fabric pearls I did, and do some bead wrapping :-)

    Hugs and much love, to you.

  6. Liz,
    I love your wrapped beads! I thought os Suzy's when I saw yours, you two are so inspiring! And that cream on Cream cuff, I still love as much as I did when i first saw it. I was looking at the post of your first cuff, they are all so pretty!
    I hear you saying, "Courage, Betsy, have courage....DO IT"!

  7. Meine Güte, wie wunderschön.
    Mir quellen immer die Augen über, wenn ich deine vielen Schätze und auch Werke betrachte.
    So einzigartige traumhaft schöne Dinge.
    Du hast wirklich immer das Glück für neue Entdeckungen.

    Umarmung und Grüße

  8. Hi Liz Luv,
    everything looks so lovey that you have created! It's good that Sandy is back in blogland.
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  9. Hi Liz,

    Your fabric beads are really lovely.
    Can't believe these are your first.
    Beautiful !!

    Warm regards,
    Wilma, Shabby Royale.

  10. I love your newest creations Liz. I must go see Suzy's as well. I am crazy over the beautiful fabric cuffs you made too. I have been wanting to do this for so long but haven't yet. Maybe seeing yours will inspire me to do so now.
    sending hugs...

  11. Gorgeous creations Liz, Love the cuffs & fabric beads...some tutorials are fabulous to follow...Love your work... Hugs May x x

  12. Beautiful cuffs Liz and those beads are so cool. never seen anything like them before
    hugs Lynn

  13. You have created wonderful cuffs and beads from Sandy's tutorials. Isn't it fun and rewarding when we share so much talents?! Creative Tutorial Bliss...

  14. These beads are so beautiful Liz! You are so talented!!

  15. Also deine Perlen und dein Schmuck sind wirklich super super klasse!


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