Friday 29 August 2014

This n That

Will I ever make anything else in my craftavan apart from tags?? Hmm, my time in there has been severely limited this summer. When the weather was good, the veggie garden needed attending, when the weather was bad, I couldn't use the sewing machine in my sewing room, which is the field outside the craftavan, lol, and having kept my Etsy shop open and shipping stuff from France has also taken up quite a bit of time. Imagine, all those brocantes I was forced to go to to find lovely new treasures ;-) !

Anyhoo, here is the Tag Tuesday tag for this week. The theme was INDIA. I used an Indian pattern paper for the background and stamped some Indian motifs. Because I adore saris, I had to have a lady dressed in sari on there. I also love using recycled sari ribbons and Suzy's recent post showing off here gorgeous sari ribbon roses inspired me to make some tiny ones for the tag -

Most of the time I forget to photograph the gift tags I make to go with customers' orders, but I did remember the last three I made yesterday -

I have been busy in the kitchen as well. Made lots of tomato, apple and green pepper chutney, just finished another batch of onion marmalade and also pickled some chilli peppers from the garden -

Kirsty had posted a fabulous recipe on her blog HERE, towards the end of the post. Thank you so much, Kirsty!

My poor DH had a really bad case of tonsillitis recently, so bad that he had to go and see a French doctor. It was our first experience with the French health service in 11 years and it was a really good one. Very nice doc, and the medication he prescribed worked very well indeed. However, DH firmly believes that it was our Poppygirl who was mostly responsible for his recovery, as she cuddled and snuggled with him for the whole week he was really poorly! -

Aaah, doggy cuddles work wonders!

It has been pretty miserable for a while now, cold and grey and almost autumnal. Lots of rain, which is good for the well, of course, but also high winds, especially last night as we found out this morning when we found our lane blocked -

And of course our beautiful view disappears on days like this, to be replaced with a thick layer of cloud. Apparently half way down the hill it was all clear, but up here we couldn't see much at all -

We are slowly getting ready to go back to the UK for a little while. We'll see how long we'll last there, lol, before we miss our cottage here in Bourgogne too much. I am hoping to get one last brocante in before we leave though, fingers crossed for good weather this weekend.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Fingers crossed for good weather, Liz. I so love your happy your husband feels better - he's quite a handsome chap.

    LOVE your newest tags, they are absolutely gorgeous. You are the best at them.

    xo Rhonda

  2. Oh how wonderful to spend time in your French cottage. The love and companionship from our pets is priceless. Thankful your DH is on the mend. Blissful Brocantes Dear...

  3. Fabulous tags, I love them all! I am sending good thoughts and wishing all the best to your family, especially to your husband...hope he is already feeling much better. Hugs from Slovenia

  4. Great tags, dear Lizzie! I'm glad to hear that your hubby is doing better. I'm sorry to hear about the nasty weather. Hopefully it'll be better over the weekend and you can visit some brocantes.

  5. Hi dear Liz,
    so glad to hear your DH is feeling better. Your new tags are wonderful.
    Take care for now and have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Hello my sweet Liz,
    Oh Wow love the taste of India and your pretty roses! Your other client tags are so beautiful also!
    Oh poor Andy I have been thinking of him and was hoping that it wouldn't eventuate into something as bad as that!
    Thank God for Poppy love. How our furry friends help to get us through!
    Emailing soon! I have good news for you after making a decision.
    Hugs and foggy love,

  7. So wunderschöne Tags, jedes einzelne ist was ganz Besonderes.

    Und wenn ich die Gläser sehe, und höre, was du alles so kochst und machst, dann staune ich sehr.
    So leckere Dinge.
    Fantastisch...ich liebe Selbstgemachtes.
    Und ich habe das erste Mal Tomaten-Marmelade gekocht. Die ist so lecker geworden :-)
    Schönes WE
    (hier waren auch ein paar stürmische kalte Tage, dann wieder zu heiß und zu trocken, und heute regnet es)

    Herzlichst Sophie

  8. What a beautiful Indian tag - I am bowled over by those sari silk flowers - they are stunning, and I shall have to give them a go, as I'm a sari silk fanatic too! A lovely blog post - I really enjoyed visiting France for a little while today!

  9. My, but those tags are gorgeous! The pickled peppers look delicious. So glad your hubby is feeling better and that he had a good experience with the doctor. I enjoyed your post!

  10. Gorgeous tags Liz, I'm so glad to hear your husband is on the mend.. your sari flowers are so Beautiful...& those pickled peppers look so good....enjoy your trip back to the UK... Hugs May x x

  11. Hello dearest Liz,
    how are you doing, I hope all is well ?
    I wanted to also comment on this beautiful post, with all the wonderful client tags. Your roses are so wonderful.
    Also happy to see that your husbond is better and that you had a good experience with the French health care.
    I can see you brings a lot of homemade goodies with you, to UK, it all sounds to be very yummy !
    I hope you are ok Liz, and sends you a big hug and much love.


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