Thursday 3 July 2014


Seems such a long time ago that I made the ATCs for Kimberly's True Blue Sweetheart swap. You might have seen the my ATCs on this post. When we got back to France a couple of weeks ago, Kimberly's package with the swap ATCs was already waiting for me in our little mailbox. It was such a pleasure to open the package. Kimberly always makes her packages extra special. Isn't this sparkly blue tiara absolutely gorgeous?

And then there are the ATCs. I felt so very lucky to be the recipient of such beautiful pieces. This one is from our hostess Kimberly herself -

Absolute perfection!

The next one had me completely gobsmacked. It came so beautifully presented, look at this -

And this is the fabulous ATC itself -

It was made by the wonderful Maggie. You can find her here.

The third ATC I took out of the package was made by Amy, and is so very pretty! She featured such a darling little sweetheart on her True Blue ATC, and it is beautifully put together -

Here they are, all together, my gorgeous True Blue Sweethearts -

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Very beautiful....but I still don't know what an ATC is? (Air Traffic control?)

  2. I hope you are enJOYing a BLUE-tiful Summer, Liz. Sorry, I couldn't resist. So glad you are apply with the returns. hugs and JOY, Kimberly

  3. They are gorgeous all, dear Liz, so beautiful,and Kimberly alwayes makes the most wonderful pieces . Lucky you with these lovely blue :-)
    Hope your weekend will be great and maybe filled with amazing finds ?
    Hugs,Dorthe xx

  4. Each ATC is so wonderful. I have three lovely True Blue Sweethearts, too!


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