Thursday 12 June 2014

Well, the last week or so has been pretty manic. Getting ready to return to the UK meant doing lots of work in the veggie patch, frantically planting out the last few seedlings ( 6am on morning of leaving ), sorting out what to take back, meeting up with friends, packing a tiny bag with a few craft supplies I might need while in the UK, cleaning, tidying, etc etc. We got back to the UK on Monday evening, and it is great being back in the same home with our youngest son, and having the others visiting. Gonna see two of my granddaughters in a couple of hours, yay!!! I miss my family so much when we are in France, but I tell ya, I am ready to go back tomorrow! I find it really difficult to cope with all the noise, especially at night, the masses of cars and people, and I crave the peace and quiet of our cottage in France. I have already turned into a hermit again, and apart from the hospital appointment, haven't been out. We are planning to go back to France in a week or ten days, thereabouts, still got to visit family and friends.

Haven't had much time for anything crafty, but did manage to make this week's Tag Tuesday tag. The theme was THE 1950s, not an easy one for me as I am not really a retro girl -

I found some pretty 1950s wallpaper, a gorgeous car which I would love to drive, rock n roll records and a lovely young lady in a fabulous 1950s dress.
Couldn't decide which background it looked best on, so you got all three, lol. The last one is a 1950s issue of a French magazine called Le Petit Echo de la Mode.

Toodlepip  xxx


  1. Cute tag :) Hope you have a great time seeing your Son and Granddaughters :)

  2. Oh Liz, for someone who doesn't do "retro", you've done a wonderful job. Love the lady with the vintage dress! Have a wonderful week.


  3. Dear Liz,
    What is that about a hospital visit ??? I hope nothing seriously !!!
    I can imagine the difference between your UK city life and France , must be two different worlds .
    I wish you a happy week there, though, and all the best.
    Love your tag, I`m not a retro woman,but this is wonderful and so lovely !!
    Hugs ,Dorthe-x

  4. Ja, jeg kan bedst lide den sidste, jeg var 15 år i 1950, og kan sagtens huske den kjolemode (har selv haft flere lignede modeller)jeg håber du nyder freden i dit franske "sommerhus" som ser så skønt ud. knus morkaren.

  5. Safe travels sweet friend. Moving around does create a bit of anxiety but I would live your life in a New York minute!!

  6. Hey Lizzie, You did a great job creating a 50' theme tag. It turned out beautiful.
    I understand your feelings about living in the country. I can't stand all those city noises anymore either.
    Enjoy your family during your UK stay and have a great week.


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