Tuesday 3 June 2014


Over at the Our Beautiful World blog, the theme this week is TEXTURE. Looking around me whilst reading the blog I realised that I had quite a few bits and pieces with WOVEN/BRAIDED TEXTURES -

Metal wire weaving and braiding on a French wine bottle basket-

Straw woven into a little carry basket for a French Spa glass-

A couple of woven willow baskets -

My favourite old basket -

And the most awesome texture of all, Mother Nature's handiwork -

Part of a wooden beam outside, above a little door in our 150 year old French cottage.

Had a bit of an exciting day on Saturday, but that is for another post. 

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Ooh, that favorite old basket is incredible. Amazing textures Liz. How is your weather there?

  2. I love old baskets, Liz, they have such a special feeling, I think.
    How are you, dear ?
    A rainy day here, -but it is good for the garden :-)
    Hugs and kiss

  3. Sure are some cool texture there, thanks for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!

  4. Oh my..what would we do without "texture" in our lives? The look of it and oh my, the feel of it.

    Love all the textures that surround you...especially Mother Nature's gift.


  5. Beautiful shots for texture ... mother nature's shot is so awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing at Our Beautiful World!!

  6. Hi Liz - fabulous cane weaving and plaiting...aren't folks clever creating these wonderful useful items. WOW I so do love your old doorway beam, your cottage must be just wonderful. Thanks for sharing with OBW.

  7. Wonderful texture photos, the last one is my favorite.
    Thanks for sharing with us at "OBW"

  8. Love the Mother Nature one, great photo. And wonderful baskets.

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