Thursday 26 June 2014

A very domestic post

Here we are again, at the cottage in France. We got back on the weekend, but since then it has been a whirlwind of activity. I couldn't believe how much the veggies had grown in the ten days we were away! All thanks to my very dear friend Christine, who watered them for us. I got to post pics of the veggie patch, lol, I am so pleased with the progress of my little plants -

The potatoes on the right, an English variety, have gone crazy, the plants are huge!

Next to the potatoes, in front as you look at them in this pic, are the tomatoes -

Tiny toms are beginning to appear. This is my favourite variety, a very old one called Andine Cornue -

In front of the tomatoes, from right to left, are bush beans, red onions and the big plants on the left are round courgettes. The smaller ones at the bottom of the pic are another variety of courgettes-

The flowers on the round courgette plants -

See those little round things? Those will grow into big round things, lol-

Chili peppers -

My wonderful DH, who spent many hours digging the veggie patch, looking at the rainbow beetroot plants right in front of him -

From the left - broad beans, then peas, then climbing beans and right behind DH a small row of mange tout -

Peas are flowering-

Broad beans are flowering -

Even the potatoes are flowering, lol. The flowers are so pretty, darned shame though that they all got eaten by the crickets and grasshoppers -

We wanted to plant more things, so had to dig another small patch on the other side as well -

The two vines we have are already full of grapes, tiny still, but getting bigger every day -

A different variety of potatoes, planted just before we went back to England, coming along nicely -

And another view, towards the cottage of the bigger veggie patch -

Well, the veggies might not be ready for harvesting yet, but the soft fruit is! I picked whitecurrants, blackcurrants and raspberries. Didn't have any strawberries or cherries,with so I bought a few cherries in order to make a SUMMER PUDDING, yay! A very simple English dessert -

The last pic fits in with this domestic post as well. The theme over at the Our Beautiful World blog this week is MAIL. This is our little French mail box -

Tomorrow it will be back to crafty stuff. I have some wonderful ATCs to show you!

Toodlepip xxx


  1. He was für mega geile Gemüsebeete und so ordentlich !
    Die runden Zucchinis habe ich dieses Jahr auch.
    Tolle Bilder hast du gemacht Süße
    Hugs und knuddel Alex

  2. Your garden looks so healthy. And that dessert looks delicious! You are going to have a lot of vegetables!

  3. oh what a fantastic vegetable patch, gorgeous photos!! Thank you for sharing all your photos with us at "Our Beautiful World"

  4. Oh Liz-- how beautiful! Your garden is so green and lush-the photos are just amazing. You live in such a beautiful place!

    That pudding photo is to die for-- save some for me!


  5. Hi Liz, your veggie patch is just beautiful and so well kept. OH, the pudding looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing your great pictures!

  6. Hi Liz and thanks for sharing your great vege garden pics with us at OBW, but I must say I do love the real cottage setting for your post box. Cheers Robyn

  7. Gorgeous healthy veggie patch...they love that soil... the pudding looks so yummy... I adore your sweet mailbox...Enjoy! Hugs May x x

  8. Wie herrlich alles bei dir wächst.
    Da ist mein Gemüse noch weit zurück.
    Das wird noch dauern hier.
    Aber wenn alles gut geht, werde ich dieses Jahr in Hokkaidos und Walnüssen ersticken :-)
    Radieschen esse ich schon länger.
    Ich habe sie in mein ehemaliges Rosenbeet, direkt an die Terrasse gestreut.
    Sehr lecker.
    Deine Fotos sind wieder traumhaft schön.
    Liebe Grüße

  9. I loved seeing the progress of your garden. What a great friend and neighbor you have to water for you.

    The pudding? I've never heard of summer pudding but it looks delicious. I'll have to do a google search for it.

    Thanks for the nice post.

  10. I'm smiling at your French mailbox. Love it.

    Liz, your garden is amazing. We planted a small garden last fall and we are still picking tomatoes. They are so good, what a difference home grown is.

    Much love.

  11. Oh Liz, everything is so BIG and fresh and green, you are a lucky gal,-- here we have absolutely no rain, and all suffers, I bet you can`t wait to test all this fantastic veggies, -and that pudding looks "unverschämt" GOOD ,never tried that sweetie.
    I`m happy you are back to your paradice ,-enjoy a wonderful weekend, friend of mine.
    Hugs ,Dorthe

  12. Hi Lizzie, Wow, Your veggie plants look great. It seems that you'll get a very good harvest. I had pinned a recipe for garlic parmesan fries a while ago and made it 6 or 7 times already. These potatos are so good. Let me know if you like to get the link.
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Oh you put me to shame. What a pretty garden and that pudding looks delicious.

  14. Oh it's so late, but your photos are delightful. Would love a piece of that pretty red desert. Your garden is way ahead of our growing season and just beautiful plants.
    So glad blogger's Read List is back up and running, rely too much on their handiness to catch up on the fun blogs I visit. Have a great summer weekend. Hoping for some perfect weather to finish up painting a few wooden projects.

  15. Oh I do envy you ... what a lovely place!! And that post box is so cute! Thanks for sharing at Our Beautiful World!!

  16. Fab veggie patch. We too grow loads: potatoes, beans, courgettes, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, chillies, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, beetroot, radish, lettuce, cherries, apples, plums, peaches, pears, mirabelles, carrots, cabbage, onions, garlic, leeks, damsons, broccoli, phew!!!!! I craft and my DH grows the veg. We share the flowers. It is so wonderful here in France to have the space to do all this. Enjoy your stay - I know you always do!! CAROLYN XX

  17. What lovely photos. The summer pudding reminds me of the ones my gran used to make when I was a child. Yummy and very sweet.


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