Tuesday 20 May 2014

Colour? Well, a little bit

There seems to be a little more colour creeping into my life recently.  There are the colourful ATC swaps, for example. Then there are the yarns I acquired recently, and also customer tags which are a little different to my usual lace and neutral style.

I'll start with the ATCs I received in Kimberly's recent TEA IN THE GARDEN swap. They are all so beautiful! And Kimberly, being the wonderful hostess she is, sent the sweetest little party gift with the swap -

And here are the splendid ATCs I received back in the swap -

This one came in its own fabulous fabric envelope with teabag! -

Isn't this one just gorgeous? -

And how about this little beauty? -

All photographed against Vicki's stunning new nest.

A little while ago, a charity shop in a town not too far away, had a huge box of all kinds of yarns for sale. I suppose it was older stock which the local wool shop wanted to get rid of. It was such fun rummaging through the massive box and pulling out lovely yarns.

I started with neutral colours, thinking they would make a gorgeous knitted patchwork blanket -

 Then I thought, what the heck, there are so many lovely colours in there, why ignore them?  So I came away with some rather brighter yarns as well -

Great for adding a bit of colour to collages and tags etc.

And talking of tags, all that colour must have had an influence on my crafting brain, lol, because when I went to the craftavan to make some customer tags, they had coloured bits on them as well and not a piece of white lace in sight -

I had a 100 year old colourful map of Paris which was completely tattered, so I used little scraps of that on the tags -

And to finish off, some photos for the BATH prompt over at the OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD blog, a big old zinc bath tub behind the cottage, where the rain running of the workshop roof collects. Until my son and husband took down two of the three huuuuuuuuge pine trees, it was also overhung by them and therefore not only collected water, but also all kinds of debris from the trees, like pinecones, moss, twigs. They have taken on a fabulous rust colour and even though I have often wanted to empty it all out and clean it up, I just can't bring myself to do it, because it all looks so fascinating under the clear water -

Toodlepip xxx


  1. What sweet Tea in the Garden tags you have received via Kimberly! And your tags too Liz are so pretty and colourful using original vintage map pieces.
    Love all of the threads and wool! I'm sure you have been inspired by your beautiful Vintage Spring nest from Vicki! The pinkish baubles in those balls look so sweet.
    I too have an old bath like you and just adore it. Right now it holding kindling for our kitchen slow combustion stove right outside the kitchen. In the Summer I fill it with dried flowers from the garden.
    No don't empty your bath yet - it looks too interesting and in just the rusty colors we love.
    Rusty bath hugs,

  2. My dear Liz,
    Your new tags are beautiful, and that old map, is a wonderful add to give a little soft colour ,to them.
    They are so sweet all.
    I would have been so tempted with the yarn, too. The white big bunch is so beautiful, and will make a gorgeous blanket.
    And the bath of rust is wonderful looking, I so love you haven`t emphtied it, it is a living schulpture.
    Hugs and kiss

  3. Your tags are beautiful and the tiny bit of color really speaks of Summer. Kimberly's ATC swaps are always amazing. Fabulous yarns you have given a new home to. Great old tub with the water and debris. Creative Bliss Dear...

  4. beautiful tags...........tfs
    thanks, milissa

  5. lovely tags, and the tub looks really great love the rustic and old style. Thanks for sharing your photos with us at "Our Beautiful World"

  6. Such wonderful photos!! Thanks so much for sharing at Our Beautiful World!!

  7. You old bath has a real charm, I'd be keeping it too just the way it is :)
    Wren x

  8. Hi Liz, once again you have gorgeous photos to share with us - that old bath is a delight to have in the garden (might not work here as we have mozzie problems). And I do love you teacup tags. Cheers and thanks for playing at OBW Robyn

  9. what a marvelous blog post! you got some truly wonderful pieces in your tea swap but i am most in love with the tags you've made. superb. i love the tub too! have a great week. xo

  10. I just found your blog on the card included with my etsy order! I ordered the medical wooden container AND was blessed with one of the above tags! So happy to have found you for so many reasons! I'll be back for a visit soon! Thanks again for everything! xoxo Rhonda...


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