Saturday 19 April 2014

A week ago

we arrived at the cottage and it was bliss. Sunshine, blue sky, so peaceful and quiet and aaahhh, the view! Last Sunday I even managed to get to a brocante and found a few new treasures! Great start, but then, on Monday, I came down with a horrid cold which kept me down for days and I am still fighting it. Feeling a lot better within myself though since yesterday, so I went into our little town and braved the shops yesterday. Glad I did, because I found a little bunch of the most beautiful roses. They are such a delicate cream, green and lightest blush pink -

I fancied a bit of colour as well though, so I brought some of the wisteria in as well -

The wisteria is almost in full bloom now -

I only managed to take a few pics of some of the things I bought at the brocantes, I was too weak during the week to even to hold the camera for long, pathetic,eh? But here they are. A couple of lovely old lace collars -

A few bits of lace -

Gorgeous old buttons on cards -

Baking tins, including some teeny tiny super cute ones -

Ornate cast iron coat hooks -

A Paris Souvenir pin dish -

Salt and pepper -

Lingerie stamp -

Gorgeous Pierrot tin -

And my most favourite find of the brocante, this absolutely gorgeous delicate blue silk and lace box -

I'll photograph the other beautiful things I found very soon!


Toodlepip xxx


  1. Oh dear sweet Liz,
    I am so sorry to hear that you are not well. I hope you will feel much better very soon. Love all your photographs and everything in them.
    Many hugs and a Happy Easter!
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  2. Bonjour mon amie, I'm very happy to hear you are on the mend. Knock on wood, I have not had a cold in a long time.

    Okay, your pictures of your treasures are making me "weak", truly love all you found. Save a mini tin for me in your shop!!

    Enjoy your holiday Easter weekend.
    Much love.

  3. Det er da trist at begynde din ferie med sygdom, jeg håber du snart er helt frisk igen, og dine indkøb er så skønne, jeg tror du virkelig har "næse" for at finde de fine sager. knus og forsat god påske, pas på dig selv morkaren.

  4. Hope you feel better soon. What wonderful things to find, I live them all!
    Happy Easter. Xxx

  5. Lovely pics, and those lace goodies Ooh aahhh!!
    Get well soon'
    Judy xx

  6. So sorry to read that you've been ill but glad you are now on the mend. The flowers are stunning. I also live your bro ante treasures. Such wonderful finds.

  7. Dear Liz, I'm so sorry to hear that you've been sick. My family just had a bout of illness here as well. It takes awhile to get our energy back for sure.
    You still managed to find great treasures. Wow, I love it ALL!!! Especially the lace and the adorable little tins!
    Rest up and enjoy your beautiful weather. I can't wait to see the rest of your goodies!
    <3 Sonya


  9. Hi Liz, So glad to hear you are feeling a little better after your horrid cold....What beautiful treasures you have found... The lace is so gorgeous...Looking forward to seeing the rest of your goodies... Happy Easter to you & your family...Hugs May x x

  10. Dear Liz,
    So happy to read that you are better after that horrid cold, my friend.
    Take care of yourself.
    Your finds are amazing ,and so beautiful, again. The box just gorgous.
    I hope your week is happy, and wish you a blessed Easter.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  11. Liz- I'm so sorry you've had a wretched cold- I know that can make you miserable. I do hope you get all better soon.

    It's so beautiful there-- the spring blooms are just gorgeous-- I can almost smell their scent.

    Wonderful wonderful finds at the brocante!! Love all the photos!

    Sending you an Easter hug--

  12. Sounds like you have had a dose of the deamon bug that floored me for almost a month, so glad to hear you are on the mend! Your brocante finds are gorgeous. We went to an Antique and Collectors fair yesterday and I too picked up some of the little baking tins. Hope you are having a lovely Easter.

  13. Lulu,
    I am so sad you have been under the weather! But you did have some beauties to admire from the shopping! Such great finds. I would bring you chicken noodle soup, but by the time I got there it would be cold and you would be feeling better! Love the lace, and hat gorgeous pretty. Love the metal tins, as always, and the Paris tray is beautiful. The salt and pepper cellar is so fun! I don't know that I have seen many that hold both, but you see them MUCH more than I do. I is unique and lovely. Hmm.... ;)
    The wisteria and roses are such a beautiful combination, and your wisteria on your cottage is so gorgeous. Your cottage is so beautiful any time of year! keep getting better and have a great time in France!


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