Monday 28 April 2014

A little walk in the French countryside

Yesterday was a busy busy day. The weather was really iffy, very grey and looking like rain, but at 7am in the morning, it was dry and I was becoming more and more optimistic about the brocante being on. We decided to chance it and set off for the 3/4hour drive. It was definitely worth it, the brocante was in full swing when we got there, yay! And most of the stalls were 'particuliers', private sellers, not dealers. I'll have to show you all the stuff I bought in another post though, because today I want to take you on a little walk in the French countryside. 

First, a few pics I took on the way back from the brocante, of a small field full of cornflowers. I do love cornflowers and you don't see them very often these days. What a delight therefore to see a whole field full of them! -

Sunday was also the day for the annual country walk in Cuzy, a tiny little village not far from us. People come from far and wide to take part in these walks. There are always three routes of different lengths, the shortest one was 9.2km this time. And for the first time this year, the routes went right past our little cottage. Also a first, I decided to do part of the walk as well this year. I hadn't in the past because of health reasons but thought I could manage a few hilly kilometres this time. I am so glad I did. We took our doggies along as well. The plan was that I would do half the walk up to where it came past our cottage and then stay put with the doggies, while Andy completed the round. He would then pick up the car in the village and come and get me for the 'repas', the meal which is always such a lovely part of any activity. 

I took photos along the way of course, the scenery was so beautiful and the rain held off for most of the walk. So come and walk with me up and down a few hills in the beautiful Burgundy countryside -

The walk started at the village hall, right next to this lovely little church-

It struck me as quite funny that the church had a post box next to door, I always thought the mail would go to the vicarage. But then, I suppose the village is far too tiny to have a vicarage and a resident priest. I would think a priest visits every other Sunday or so.

I love the old local houses, built with field stones -

and this window in one of the them looked like an eye to me -

Once past the few houses, the walk took us onto little paths and tiny roads. In the Spring, the roadsides look so beautiful with all those lovely wildflowers in full bloom -

Even the smallest village boast a little chateau somewhere close by -

And the dogs were so excited to sniff out so many new smells -

Little brooks gently flowing downhill

and small farms dotted about -

Wildflowers everywhere

And millions of spent dandelions -

Escargots! Snails! We have seen our neighbouring farmer collect these by the bucketload after a nice long rain. The dogs were very interested in them-

The name of this place always makes us chuckle -

A cheese safe, right outside in Mother Nature under a tree. I often see them at brocantes but had never seen one in use outside -

If you look closely, you can just see the little chateau we passed earlier -

Wild orchids -

You can just about see the lake down in Cuzy, the village where we started -

And this is the half way refreshment station, right at the top of our lane and manned by Thierry, our closest neighbour, and friends. My DH Andy is just on the way to complete the second part of the walk after I retired to the cottage with the doggies :-) -

As planned, he picked me up after the walk and we went back to the village hall for the meal. Delicious!!! As I was looking out of the window, I noticed this little feature on the church -

How quirky is that! A door and a few stone steps half way up the side of the church, lol. And a purple ladder leading up to the steps. To the bells, we believe

In between the showers it had been a fair day for walking and I think that it was yet another very successful day for the village. Boy, was I tired out after all that walking at the brocante and the Cuzy walk! 

I hope your weekend was lovely as well, and I wish you all a wonderful week.
Toodlepip xxx


  1. How lovely to see a meadow full of Cornflowers. I have planted some this year in the garden, but find that the slugs enjoy them too.

  2. Oh Liz, I am sighing. Such a lovely day!
    enJOY a sweet week,

  3. what vistas! oh my...."merci" for taking us along on that glorious walk! sigh....

  4. Stunning photos! Seems a whole different way of life. What a nice custom the walk is. I've loved cornflowers since my Mom grew them when I was little. Nothing like that blue! Thank you for this beautiful, peaceful interlude.

  5. Beautiful photos Liz! It looks like it was such a lovely day!! I enjoyed "walking" with you!!
    My favorite photo is the one with the sheep....I just love that one!

  6. Oh my dear Liz,
    what a wonderful collection of photoes ,showing the French beautiful nature now when spring is a bit further than ours in Denmark.
    So many blooming beauties, and what a wonderful day you had. I can`t wait to see what you found in the brocante my friend.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  7. You really took me to La La Land today and I loved every minute of the walk. What beautiful country side!!!!!
    Sandy xx

  8. Liz,
    Lovely walk you went on....I am coming! I want to go on that walk! LOL I am so happy your health has improved and you were able to go and take pictures for us. Gorgeous countryside and the best company!

  9. How wonderful Liz. I now have a glimpse into your France. Such a beautiful glimpse and it makes me yearn even more to return someday soon.

  10. Oh my Liz what a fabulous tour you took us on. I loved seeing all the wild flowers, the houses, the church and windows, the little houses and the small farms with small flocks of sheep.

    Absolutely beautiful - I only wish I could have walked it in person with you to smell all the beautiful fragrances from those flowers.

    How about that cheese safe? What a beauty? I think you might have to steel it and fill it with all of your lace tablecloths, doilies and laces -
    how amazing would that be?

    Loved all of your brocante finds too!
    More stuff to keep you busy (hehe!).

    Sending countryside hugs to you dear friend,

  11. Beautiful photos of nature and architecture ♥
    (i nominated you on sunshine blogger award :-) )

  12. Hello Liz
    I have a lump in my throat, an ache in my heart and tears welling up in my eyes!
    I haven't been to this part, but it's all familiar as Burgundy is where my family live and all the sights are similar to what we see on our walks near their village!
    You've taken me back to where I want to be right now, to hear the laughter and chatter of my darling granddaughters.
    I can visualise them running ahead to see what lies ahead around the bend in the road!

    I looked up my trusty Michelin map book of France and my heart leapt when I found Cuzy!

    Your post has made my day - now I must get back into my very untidy Autumn garden, it's cutting back and pulling out time!

  13. So beautiful, thank you for sharing that beautiful countryside with us! Di@Cottage-wishes


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