Sunday 2 March 2014


It has been a good day today. The weather was lovely, we woke up to bright blue skies and for the first time this winter, to heavy frost. The valley below us was filled with mist as we set off to the brocante, the first proper brocante in our area this year. Thankfully it was indoors, unheated but it wasn't quite as cold as outside. Plenty of stalls, although most of them were dealers, rather expensive, and only a few 'particuliers', private/occasional sellers. But I found some lovely new treasures to show you, hopefully tomorrow. I did spend all afternoon taking photographs, until my camera battery died, but I haven't edited them yet, so you'll have to wait a wee while. 

What I can show you though, are a few pics of some primitive little hearts I made with one of the old 'torchons' (kitchen cloths/ tea towels), which my friend Christine had given me to repurpose, as they had a couple of holes in them -

The back is made with 100+ year old hand loomed linen. Some are filled only with lavender, and some have a little bit of stuffing in them as well so that they hold their shape nicely.

Right, thats all for now. I have an appointment with Picmonkey for a major editing session ;-).

Oh, I can't not tell you what I bought, or at least tell you about some of the things I bought, I am bursting to tell ya - an absolutely delightful Art Nouveau embroidered parasol, pharmaceutical glass bottles, divine old menus, some from the 19th Century, gorgeous old wooden spindles ( spinning ), some beautiful old benitiers ( Holy Water fonts ), wonderful books, rather lovely cutlery/flatware, some very sweet boxes/tins, ornate candlestick, lots of little bits and pieces, oh, lots more things which I had bought previously in a shop.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. They are lovely hearts... I never think to use my old tea towels like this but I like the idea a lot!

  2. What a lovely repurposed items. They hearts are lovely.

  3. Oh such sweet vintage hearts!
    Heartfelt hugs,

  4. These are very appealing.They'd be nice to hold.

  5. Beautiful hearts, what a great repurpose.

  6. I LOVE the hearts! The kitchen towels were beautiful!
    I really like the ones with the really Art Nouveaux looking flower on them. Filled with lavender .....mmm ...beautiful scent. I am so excited to see your treasures!
    It SNOWED here today! and then freezing rain came down following the snow! Still winter here! Glad you had such a grand day!

  7. Hello:

    Your little hearts are an absolute delight. It would be quite beyond us to make anything comparable, but then to sew on a button is beyond our reach (sigh).

    Looking forward to seeing the newly acquired treasures. They sound most interesting.

  8. They are adorable Liz,-such a beautiful piece of fabric, and the perfect colours for hearts.
    Seems you had a fantastic luck in finding goodies again....
    HUGS from me- xx


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