Thursday 13 March 2014

Aaah, such beauty!

When we got back from France last week, my son handed me a package. A package from Australia! That could only mean that this was a gift from my very dear friend Suzy, from Suziqu's Threadworks. I didn't open it that evening, as we had too much unpacking etc to do, but there was no way I could wait until my birthday. So the next morning I did the naughty deed, lol. You all know Suzy's incredible work, so you can imagine how excited I was. I was pretty much speechless then, and I am not going to say much now either, I'll let the photos speak for themselves -

The tag, which was the first thing I saw -

The beautiful clutch, so perfect for little keepsakes -

Hidden away in the clutch were these two gorgeous pieces -

This beautiful quilted piece with locks from her 'girls', lace, ribbons -

I am a very lucky girl to be the recipient of such beautiful gifts. I was over the moon with them.


that wasn't all.

There was also this -

Even the back of the heart is so beautifully finished -

I can't tell you in words how much these exquisite pieces mean to me. I can feel the friendship and love which have gone into making them and I feel as if Suzy is right here by my side when I hold these treasures in my hands. I am truly blessed to be able to call her my friend.

It has been over week since I opened the package and I only just managed to take some photographs. Why? I did my back in last Wednesday, no idea how, but it had crippled me for a week, I could hardly move. I can get around again, but can't sit for very long, so computer time is very limited. Still, the sun is shining, Spring has sprung and life is good.

I wish you all beautiful Spring/Autumn days, toodlepip xxx


  1. Liz Luv ...

    WOW ... that is almost the only I can say right now! Your gifts are stunning!!!Suzy is such a great artist!! Enjoy them!
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  2. These are beauties. Each project is absolutely stunning.

  3. Happy Birthday, dear Lizzie! Sweet Suzy has spoiled you and you deserve it. Enjoy all the fabulous creations. I don't blame you for not being able to wait with unwrapping the gifst.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your back. Hopefully it will be fully recovered soon and you can sit again without having pain.
    Have a great weekend :)!

  4. OMG, what a wonderful birthday gift, such amazing creations!
    Thanks for sharing and enjoy.
    Luv your blog header too.

  5. Dearest Liz,
    Beauty and love from our dear friend Suzy,- what fabolous art pieces she send you. Every thing is a little wonder of it`s own, and I can`t say which I perfer, as they are all so amazing.
    Now you already have had your birthday ;-)
    Liz, I hope for you your back will soon be all well ,so you can live your normal life again.
    I hope your weekend is sunny,- like mine, and sends you big hugs .
    Dorthe, xxx

  6. This spell Suzi all over, stunning, stunning gifts and thanks so much for taking the time to share them with us!

  7. Such glorious Birthday gifts!
    Each one is so beautiful indeed. What an artist Suzy truly is...
    I hope your back is on the mend.
    Have a wonderful week.

  8. Aren't you so lucky to have such a beautiful inspired.
    I feel so lucky to have found you and your wonderful blog! Thank you!

  9. Hello dear Liz, hope your back will be happy again soon! And happy birthday (in advance, I presume?)!! The gifts of Suzy are gorgeous, as they always are. Beautiful photos of them!
    hugs and take care


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