Monday 24 February 2014


Do you have a special bag/tote you take with you when you go hunting for treasures at flea markets/estate sales etc? I DO NOW! A few weeks ago I won one of the gorgeous totes Petite Michelle Louise was giving away on her blog. The perfect grey, the perfect pattern, and a darned good size as well. And on Saturday afternoon the post lady delivered it to me at our little cottage on the hill! I am so delighted with it. I was going to take it with me to a brocante on Sunday, but I hadn't been able to take photos before it was time to leave, so its first outing will have to wait until this Sunday, when there is a brocante in the little town nearest to us.

Yesterday, the weather was just lovely, and I took some photographs of the tote and a couple of little things I had found in the morning -

A little silver plated candy basket -

The tiniest rosary I have ever come across, it is so delicate -

A 'taste vin', wine tasting cup -

 A vintage absinthe spoon with a lovely star design -

Champagne bucket -

Some kind of advertisement thingy for a medication -

I should have saved this post until Thursday, for Petite Michelle Louise's GREY DEY THURSDEY party, but I wanted you to see the pretty tote now! I'll link this post up to the party later on in the week.

Yesterday afternoon, we drove 1 1/2 hours to meet somebody who had advertised a Globe de Mariee. I have been lusting after one for so long, but usually they are so very expensive, hundreds of Euros when they are complete and in great condition. This one was reasonably priced because the glass dome had cracked and been repaired ( badly ). But hey, this was for me, not for selling, and I didn't mind about the damage to the dome. OMG, I couldn't believe my eyes when the seller showed me the Globe de Mariee. It was bigger than I had expected and it was BEAUTIFUL. Really, really gorgeous. I was soooooo happy. At the moment, it is still in a box upstairs in a bedroom, snuggled into my cardigan, which I had wrapped around it for safety. This afternoon, I will take it out and place it on the little dressing table. And take photographs. Many many photographs, lol. 

Toodlepip xxx


  1. im so happy your grey dey tote arrived...finally! and i can't wait to see all of the gorgeous tresors yuo find in those amazing brocantes!

  2. Now I'm very curious about your precious globe de Mariee!
    Thank you for stopping by my poor neglected, it was lovely to see you :)
    Michela xxx

  3. Well, I didn't have a designated tote for flea markets until I met up with Michelle last fall at Brimfield. She came prepared, her tote was so organized and now I have one ready to go!!

    Don't you just love that gal? Her tote gift was the perfect grey!

    Love all your finds and look forward to seeing more!

  4. Lululiz,
    Oh, my...but I do love your tote, dear one!!!
    Your treasure trove of grey items is amazing!!!
    I'll be returning soon to see this globe you found ( I, truly, have no idea what it is. . .so 'twill be a surprise to me!)
    Visiting from Grey Dey Thursdey!

  5. That's a beautiful tote. My daughter has a special tote for shopping at the vintage stores.

    I have to go look up what that Globe de Mariee is.


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