Tuesday 14 January 2014

The tiniest chapel? - St. Sulpice

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, until I get my camera back in action properly again, I'll post some old pics of France.

A couple of years ago we spent some time in the winter geocaching in our area of Burgundy, France. Caches are few and far between in the countryside! One cache took us close to what turned out to be the tiniest chapel I had ever come across -

Even from afar it looked somewhat neglected, there was no door! But the roof with the roof tiles laid in the shape of a cross, looked in good shape.

The only decoration on the outside was between the two simple stained glass windows -

The interior was so plain, a small Holy Water font -

and a partially tiled floor, half covered in dead leaves -

Maybe somebody was going to carry on with a restoration in the Spring, there was a small pile of tiles in a corner.

A small wooden cross was leaning against the wall, and on a little ledge at the back of the tiny room, there was this bust -

It was a strange little place, but somehow peaceful and serene. 

I think I will go back to this place this summer and see whether it has been restored at all. I will let you know.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. This is so very beautiful! I have allways had this idea for having and sharing my own petit chapel...i will continue to wirk in that idea, thank you for sharing! ~ greetings, Colette

  2. What a pieceful and lovely place to rest, dear Liz.
    Looks very tiny, and all the same with a kind of power, felt such places.
    Amazing bust she must be someone kind of holy person... Lucky you to be able to go back to this place.
    Are you also having grey and rainy weather ?
    Hugs and xx,

  3. Very interesting. I love old building like these when we go on our trips. You wonder what happened in the past and who had entered this building. Nice pictures. I am really going to enjoy your blog, I can tell.


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