Monday 30 December 2013


I have been such a bad blogger this last month of the year. One reason was that my Etsy shop was busy, which was really nice. Another reason was that I hadn't created anything worthwhile, and therefore had nothing to show. Two years ago, just before Christmas, my mother died and was buried the day before Christmas Eve, and I get rather quiet and maudlin in the weeks before Christmas. I sit and plan all kinds of things to make and do, but they stay in my head and my hands stay still in my lap. I get frustrated with the mess around me, my craft stuff and the many many things I have bought in France for the shop, and the more I try and organise and clear up, the worse it seems to get. So I leave it and just get more and more frustrated. I hope I haven't shocked you too much by writing such personal things, I realise thats not what you expect or what I usually do. I just felt that I owed my wonderful bloggy friends an explanation for my long absence. 

Having said all that, Christmas was wonderful and uplifting and filled with much laughter and joy, and I am feeling so much better within myself again. So I am giving myself one more week to get my act together and get on with organising my stuff, and then I will be back to normal blogging, yay!

For now I just want to thank you for being such loyal friends and followers, and I wish you all a very happy, healthy, peaceful and successful 2014! May all your wishes for the new year come true and may you ( and ME!! ) stick with your New Year's resolution for longer than a week, tehehehe!

Here are some fun 19th Century Happy New Year cards from my collection -

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Reading your post was as if it was written about me! I am completely overwhelmed with how terribly messy my studio is right now. In fact, I have been crafting in the living room until I can face the chaos I created. Next week I hope to take a day off from work to do just that. Just know you are not alone. So sorry about your mom, I'm glad you were able to enjoy Christmas.


  2. I understand how you feel about a messy craft space and lack of mojo with actually sitting down to make something. The holidays are joyous but also can be a bit melancholy at times too, especially missing those we love that are no longer with us. I am blessed to have my parents near. My craft room is messy, disorganized and coooollld!!! Blessings

  3. Dearest Liz, I was just going to write asking you, if all was well!! I`m so glad you made "noise" again, as I have thought about you many times this christmas, -not seing anything from you on your blog.(just being bussy myself,too )
    I know how you feel at christmas time, and it is only normal, that you then can`t find the energy to create or organise.
    Glad you had a wonderful christmas, and wishes you all the very best, happiness and good health for the new year.
    I never have resolutions for the new year hehe..
    Much love and hugs, from your friend, Dorthe

  4. Oh, Sweet Liz....
    I know my version of what you are feeling...I think that is part of my trouble these past years with not finishing...things...
    Heart hugs to you, my "fairy blog Mother"! My heart aches for your heart, but I am so glad you were able to have such a wonderful, joyful Christmas this last week. You deserve joy!
    I am sooo sad for your loss...the Christmas after my "Mum" passed away was the hardest Christmas of my life, for many reasons. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us. I feel honored that you could share with us.
    Christmas Hugs and New Year Kisses ,
    Your friend,

  5. AND I adore your New Year cards, too! Especially the one with the wild children fighting in their room! it reminds me of my childhood and all the pillow fights and laughing and carrying on when we were supposed to be asleep! LOL

  6. hello
    venant de chez SUZY , je
    découvre votre blog
    (¯`´(¯`´.¸___________ღ☆ღ_______________ ¸.´´¯)´´¯)
    ☆ ▓▒░ ☆☆ BONNE ET HEUREUSE ANNÉE 2014 ☆☆ ░▒▓ ☆
    (_¸.(_¸.´´ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ღ☆ღ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ `´.¸_).¸_)
    edith (iris)

  7. I'll stick with you Liz New Year's resolutions or not - that's what friends are for!
    Sending heaps of New Year's hugs and love,

  8. I just got my craft room organized, but with the cold, rainy days we have been getting my days have been spent in front of the fire crocheting. Love the cards you showed, and I know what you mean about missing family. My dad passed away a year ago a few months back so it is really strange. This year I have several new year wishes which include plenty of crafting and blogging!


I hope you have enjoyed reading the post. If you have, then I would really love to hear about it, so please leave a comment.