Wednesday 23 October 2013

White and Grey

Well here we are in France at the cottage, trying to cram all sorts of things into the two weeks. Our tree surgeon son is with us and working on our trees, felling where necessary, reducing others. The felling is comparatively quick, its the clearing up of all the branches and log cutting afterwards which takes up soooooo much time. Today was a rather wet day though, so this afternoon DH and I went to a brocante shop so that I could try and find a few little bits and pieces for Blissful Whites Wednesday and Grey Dey Thursdey. I hope you don't mind me doing one post for both, the pieces look kinda nice together -

See the bunches of grapes? This piece is so perfect for where we live, in beautiful Bourgogne, famous for their wines -

Pewter wine tasting cups, such a lovely shade of grey -

Grey steel antique window fittings -

More grey pewter, this time in the shape of candlesticks -

Got to love the ornate detail -

I am linking this post to Becky's Blissful Whites Wednesday and Petite Michelle Louise's Grey Dey Thursdey linky parties. 

Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be better so that we can carry on outside. Fingers crossed. 

Hugs to you all, toodlepip xxx


  1. Du er da god til at finde "guld" især den hvide skål med drueklaserne på, og på lille fod, den er bare så skøn. knus morkaren.

  2. I love the white bowl, and can imagine it filled with roses.

  3. Liz-- enjoy your time in your beautiful cottage:)
    The bowl is drop dead beautiful-- amazing intricate details. Love the gray photos too----


  4. Oh, you clever gals, mixing your whites and greys, I LOVE IT. Wish I were that talented. I really love the details on both - beautiful!!

    Merci, Liz, you are a doll, I rec'd my parcel today, to which I politely squealed like a high school girl. I'm not too proud. wink wink

  5. Love,love that white bowl:)

  6. Your greys are beautiful! I love tarnished silver...even more than when it's polished!

  7. Liz,
    beautiful! I ADORE the qhite bowl, I have one with grapes on it as well, but it is not as old and pretty as yours. The greys are gorgeous! I love the candle sticks and especially the bowl with the handles, roses leaves and flourishes...LOVE that style. Hope you get your trees in shape as you would like them to be before you need to return to England. When I was young, my father trimmed trees as a side business. We were the ones who hauled off the branches and helped hold the ropes to pull the branches in the direction he wanted them to fall. I have vivd memories of the scent of newly cut trees....nothing has the same scent as that does. And that is a comforting scent to me....funny, huh!
    Have a wonderful evening!

  8. Hi Liz, Enjoy your time in France.. that white bowl is Beautiful...Love the grey photos too... Hugs May x x x

  9. The white vase and grey cups etc. remind me so much of France. I spent time in the Loire Valley and these kinds of items could be seen in so many places. Perfect for your white and gray theme.

  10. Wonderful post with all the grays and whites!

  11. Well, Liz, I am not a grey person, but I love both your photos and the 'Grey Dey...' concept - lovely playing with spellings there! I had a quick look around my room and found one grey item (a very elderly pillowcase in grey paisley, filling in as a cushion cover because the kitten wee-ed on the proper cover), so I don't think I'm going to be joining the grey dey soon. But I loved looking at your finds!

    Thanks for your comment on my jewelled tins. I'm glad you've seen them around in VGs - it gives me an idea of how popular they (or the sweets) were in France, and that it wasn't just a southern thing. Enjoy your time in France!

  12. The white bowl looks very beautiful, dear Liz! Love it! Happy sunday!
    Hugs, Viola

  13. what a lovely combination..timeless. :)

  14. Meine Liebe dann fang ich mal hier bei diesem Post an. Wunderbare Bilder hast du gemacht!
    Ich habe hier ein ganz schlechtes Gewissen wegen einer unbeantworteten Email aber es ist soviel passiert das ich wieder nicht weiss wo ich anfangen soll mit schreiben.
    Wenn du Zeit und Lust hast klingel doch mal kurz durch :)
    Hugs + viele Knuddels


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