Thursday 31 October 2013

Grey Dey Thursdey music illustrations

I have this gorgeous bound collection of sheet music, called Romance. French, of course, dated 1859 on the spine of the book and stamped with the name of the owner on the front. It has the most beautiful illustrations, and I thought for this Grey Dey Thursdey I'll show you some of them -

Hop over to Petite Michelle Louise's blog for the GREY DEY THURSDEY party and check out all the other beautiful grey posts! I have to get back to packing, we are driving back to the UK tomorrow morning!

As always, thank you gals so much for stopping by. Toodlepip xxx


  1. So romantic and so beautiful,
    they are so rich dressed, and surely did not belong to the working class!
    What an amazing find Liz !!
    Dorthe oxoxx

  2. Soooo lange hab ich schon nicht mehr bei dir vorbeigeschaut, ich komm momentan einfach zu gar nix *seufz*

    Hab jetzt grad alles nachgelesen, und mal wieder deine Errungenschaften bestaunt :)

    Und die Häkelgrannies sind sooo schön!

    Ganz liebe Grüße!

  3. My mended wings have carried me all the way back here dear Liz to view these most amazing Antique French Music Sheets.
    What an amazing collection you have here. I can only imagine the rest of what is there - so rare and stunning!

    I have to tell you also that I so love your white crocheted squares - they are going to make the best snuggle rug for those Wintery nights!

    Hope to catch up soon!
    Sending big hugs,
    Suzy oxo

  4. Liz,
    Such gorgeous music images....

    They are beautiful! I have found some french music here! believe it or not! I think it is, however, a play, which is in French, but may actually not BE french...but it is definitely vintage, the pages have that gorgeous brown grey color on the edges...
    You are probably almost back to the UK by NOW! depending on how early you were able to leave.
    Hope your drive is safe and uneventful!

  5. hello Liz
    thank you for sharing these beautiful images with us.
    greetings from Ann

  6. Oh so wonderful Liz!!
    Picked up at a brocante maybe?
    Such exquisite vintage illustrations that we all admire and love.

    Thank you for sharing them with us!
    Shane x

  7. Oh Liz, those are the most romantic and beautiful illustrations I've seen! They are perfect for a grey dey post! xo


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