Saturday 3 August 2013

Our beautiful world - WAITING

I have so little to show you this week, it is so very hot and my craftavan is like an oven, so I haven't made anything. And I think the heat has affected my memory as well, lol, how come I am almost a week behind with my photo for Our Beautiful World? I thought I had done this week's but it was last week's I was thinking about. Anyhoo, the word prompt was WAITING, and it just had to be a photo of our two dogs. They are the most pathetic creatures when they are made to wait for their scoobiesnacks. They drool buckets, they focus on your hand with such incredible concentration as if there is nothing else in the world more important, and you can tell that the waiting is almost painful for them. But usually they behave well, sit down, and wait fairly patiently -

Gotta love those sweet darlings.

Keep your fingers crossed for the brocante tomorrow. I am on the hunt for a few specific items for a couple of people.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Oh Liz your dogs are so cute as they are sitting waiting on some snacks from your husband, here we also have very hot weather, I don't like it so hot, not easy to be creative in this weather.
    Hugs Anni

  2. Awww.... they are just darling, thanks for sharing your cuties with us this week at Our Beautiful World, and I wish you luck for tomorrow's hunt!

    ~ Greetings from Vienna.

  3. Gimme gimme gimme!! I can hear them think that :)
    Me not like very hot weather here either. It burns the brain out. I was already wondering why I had so much trouble being creative, but I see you're in the same boat, as is Anni, as is probably a whole bunch of other people.
    Good luck tomorrow! And thanks for sharing your cuties (I mean the dogs, lol) with us at OBW! Hugs, Wendy

  4. Well they are very good waiters. Looks like you have been very good and patient with them.

  5. How awesome to have these pictures, have never thought to do that with my dog. LOVE THIS!!

  6. Gorgeous photos Liz these are two beauties I must say...It looks lovely where you are!! enjoy!! Hugs May x x x

  7. Liz, the doggies are so good! I know how they feel, as I wait for packages of goodies purchased from YOU!!!! I think they are more patient than I am! I need to take some more pictures of my goodies!
    I know how much you love your doggies and that hubby of yours. Now that there is a new prompt, I might get to the "Waiting picture!


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