Friday 5 July 2013

French Fleamarket Finds part deux

Here we go with another instalment, trying to catch up with posting all the lovely new treasures I have found at the French brocantes since we arrived. 

Without further ado, the pics! -

1930s Art Deco crucifix

Fabulous button card, love the design, wish I knew what these funny buttons were used for -

The most amazing Holy Communion cards I have ever come across -

Mouthwateringly scrumptious Gustavian Grey damask ticking fabric, so difficult to find these days, and a small piece of red striped ticking, yay -

Small statue of the Madonna on ornate plinth -

Fascinating antique folding map in a book for exploring the area around Paris -

Exquisite all mother-of-pearl rosary -

Beautifully monogrammed huge French damask napkins/serviettes -

My favourite item of this post, the most deliciously PINK and white enamel pitcher, glorious!!! -

And from very tall to very small, a pocket Infant of Prague, tiny, yet so very detailed -

Gorgeous turn of the Century deep red velvet and silver metal frame with photo of a priest, from PARIS -

A vintage snake bit kit, love the little pharmacy bottle with that label -

Thats all for today, there are many more little treasures to come, I photographed a lot more today, but haven't had time to edit them yet. I'll try and do that tomorrow.

I am linking this post to the Etsy Cottage Style vintage party. Pop over and have a look at all the other fabulous vintage goodies. Until then, toodlepip xxx


  1. Oh the treasures you find, all make me swoon. Big sigh here in the states, as I dream of your France.
    xo Rhonda

  2. That damask ticking is breathtaking! Hope I can snag a piece while in Paris.

  3. Beautiful things Liz, such wonderful Comunion cards , and the Madonna Statue- the damask and rosary- napkins and wow pitcher in that special pink/white pattern!!!
    So much to sigh for !!
    How is your weather, dear friend? We had lovely summer today!!
    Hugs and xx

  4. Just gorgeous! The snake bite kick is so amazing!
    the Infant of Prague is so delicate, that rosary is so beautiful...the pearls on these are much ..erm...smoother than that OTHER one I commented on! ; ) and so pretty...on the communion cards, are those foil or metal appliques?, so wonderful!
    And that Gray ticking is outstanding and my eye teeth are just about jumping out of my head....what is it with me and TEETH!!! LOLOL now I will laugh for an hour!

  5. Gorgeous and yummie finds dear Liz. That pitcher is so beautiful. Love the beautiful photo on the chair! I wonder, do you have a new camera?
    By the way, we featured your spiderweb photo at Our Beautiful World, for we all loved it so much!
    Hugs and happy Sunday,

  6. lovely finds! oh my..all those religious pieces are swoon-worthy!!! ;)

  7. Skønne, skømme fund, jeg er vild med Madonna figuren, krucifiks og den hvide rosenkrans. knus morkaren.

  8. Wow, so many wonderful finds. Sure enjoyed visiting your blog. Have a great day!

  9. I love your different than what I find around upstate NY! That pitcher is to die for....I am coveting it!! Visiting from Cottage Vintage Style....

  10. After falling in love with your studio I had to check out your blog. Boo hoo I so miss the french/belgium flea markets. I lived in brussels where i had a daily market and traveled to france often = LOVE THE FLEAMarkets! Now I am in Singapore - loves of unique treasures but different. thanks for sharing - really enjoyed seeing your finds.


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