Wednesday 1 May 2013

Mother of Pearl and other brocante finds

A couple of days ago, Monday, we finally got a couple of hours of sunshine, after days of endless rain. I took the opportunity to take some photos of the lovely things I bought at Sunday's little brocante ( in the rain ). And because I would like to link this post to Becky's Blissful Whites Wednesday party, I am going to start with the sweetest little mother of pearl rosary. It is very old indeed, the mother of pearl beads are totally irregular, cut by hand, not machine. The silver cross is so delicate, as it the gorgeous little heart connector. There is something a little quirky about this rosary, I wonder whether you can spot it -

I also found this beautiful cross with the faux mother of pearl panels and the gilded Christ -

Oh, and this romantic cherub candlestick ( I'll show you more details of it further down ) -

I love the subtle shimmer of mother of pearl.

Well, that is it for the Blissful Whites Wednesday bit, but while I am at it, I might as well show you the rest of the things I bought on Sunday. You don't mind, do you? Thought not, lol.

Firstly, a few more photos of the beautiful cross and the cherub candlestick -

Found a couple of sweet little silver plated pieces, this darling little cup -

and this elegant little jug/pitcher -

Wire baskets in any shape or form appeal to me greatly. These vintage silver plated wire wine bottle carriers look great on the dinner table, with a bottle of wine in, of course. But they also look awesome filled with treasured bits and pieces, in the studio, for example -

Right, what else? Lets see. Keys, a big bunch of lovely old keys -

A really stunning ornate cross, quite large -

and this beautiful rosary with purple faceted glass beads -

A very lovely old Missel, leather bound and gilt decorated and sweetly illustrated pages -

Ok, this is the weirdest medical thingy I have found so far, lol, I have no idea what it is for, but the box it comes in is fabulous, and the thingy itself is so fascinating -

The cutest little children's cookware, tiny tiny pots with the prettiest designs -

A very old small casket, very ornate and lined with silk -

And some great aluminum ( aluminium ) canisters/lunch pails.  Equally at home  in a shabby chic or industrial chic environment -

Gotta love that really rusty tag on this one -

Thats it from Sunday, but................. today is a bank holiday here in France, May 1st, and there were a couple of brocantes in our area. Very small, because the weather was horrid, it was raining buckets, and I guess most potential stallholders got put off by that. I did manage to find a few goodies though, and as soon as we get another hour or two of sunshine, I'll photograph them and show you, of course.

Wishing you all a wonderful 1st May and a happy Blissful Whites Wednesday. If you haven't given up the will to live after this somewhat lengthy post, then hop over to TIMEWASHED and join the party!

Toodlepip xxx


  1. oh da hast du ja mal wieder tolle schätzchen aufgetrieben :)

    das medizinische dings sieht wirklich äh... strange? aus?!

    ich könnt mir aber vorstellen, dass es irgendwie ein vakuum oder so erzeugen soll?! eine bekannte von mir hat mal gelernt, wie man "schröpft" - also über kleine stiche blut aus der haut saugt - eben über eine glas-vakuum-pumpe oder so... frag mich nicht genau, wie *g* aber laut schachtel ist es ja irgendwas für die augen oder?

    na ich hör lieber auf mit meinen spekulationen *hihi*

    alles liebe

  2. Wow, was für viele wunderschöne Schätze!
    Das ist ja wie im Märchenland, und wie in 1001 Nacht :-)
    Da könnte ich auch kaum wiederstehen.
    Aber meine Schränke sind zum Glück voll, und meine Geldbörse leer.
    Aber schwach werden, das würde ich auch auf jeden Fall :-)

    Danke fürs Zeigen, und viel Spaß weiterhin.
    Ich freue mich mit dir.

    Umarmung und liebe Grüße von Sophie

  3. Wow! You hit the jackpot with your finds!

    That little medical thing is really different. I think it says sodium iodine, but what was that used for??? I would have guessed it was a nasal siphon, but I can't imagine putting iodine up your nose, so I am stumped.

    I love the amethyst beads on the rosary. SO pretty.

    I popped over from Becky's. I decided to join you ladies today. Enjoyed seeing your Wed. offerings.



  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your finds are wonderful! I love the book, beautifu writing and images! The silver pitcher and tiny cup are just adorable!!!! The children's dishes just make my heart smile and the cherub candlestick is just gorgeous! Adn I swera those larger beads on that rosary are teeth....ver "quirky" if you ask me! LOL I hope the teeth belonged to the person who made the roasry and NOT to someone else! LOL

  6. LOVE those keys and the jewelry box as well, the teeth got me scared and I forgot about those! LOL!
    ; )

  7. Sweet Liz Luv,
    Omg ... you have found so many beautiful pieces, you lucky lady! Each piece is just so lovely!
    Enjoy them.
    many hugs
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  8. SWOON- just love your amazing finds dear Liz,
    about the rosary I don`t know- but read Betsy`s comment ??? But it is so beautiful!!!
    So is the cross and other lovely rosary, too. How incredibly to be able finding so many really treasures on a rainy day! Congratulations and have a happy evening.
    Hugs and xx-

  9. Ok, that's it, I'm moving to your French town!! Adore all of your finds, simply adore them.

    Rain or shine you press on, love it!!

  10. These are amazing finds, the little cookware being my favourite!

  11. oh my goodness....did you say you wish you had a Michael's near you??? what???? your brocante finds are making me swoon!!!

  12. What cool finds! Have a fabulous day.


  13. Swoon, drool, slurp slurp. What gorgeous finds!!!
    Ever find out what the medical thingy is? I've never seen one.
    Hugs Lynn


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