Sunday 19 May 2013

Oh the excitement! And an update on the GIVEWAY!

Too much excitement on a Sunday afternoon, lol. I was just checking my Etsy store to see whether anything needed doing, and noticed that within an hour or so 40odd people had favourited things in my shop. HUH? So many people within an hour? What was going on? And then it dawned on me that only one thing could have happened............. one of my little treasures had made the ETSY HOME PAGE! Yep, there it was, my gorgeous vintage French Crinamine tin -

I know, I am totally doolally getting all excited about that, but gosh, how often does it happen that one of your treasures makes the front page?

But enough of that, girls, here is a quick update on the GIVEAWAY for the fabric cuff. Just leave a comment on the original post, and you will be entered. I will make the cuff to fit the winner and also discuss with them colours etc. And to see whether I have some brocante finds which might suit them. You could put this button on your sidebar -

This is the link to the post - you would like to link the giveaway button to the proper post.
I will draw a winner the traditional way ( bits of paper in a bowl ) on Monday, 27th May.

Toodlepip for now, xxx


  1. Congrats on making Etsy's front page, that is a rare occurrence. I think years ago I made it but I was out of town and a friend emailed me.

    Oh, count me in on your giveaway and I will add it to my sidebar! What a beautiful cuff!

  2. OHHHHH congratulations dear friend , how fantastic is that Liz-
    and I`m hopeful about your gorgeous giveaway, LOL-
    Hugs from Dorthe.
    It is on my sidebar -xx

  3. Hi Liz, thanks so much for the beautiful fabric of Nature atc. I love it! I added your giveaway to my blog sidebar too. Becs

  4. Congratulations! Your lovely pieces of hand made goodness should always be on front page status. Enjoy your ooohhhs and aaahhhs. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

  5. the front page??? shut the front door! lol! how wonderful! congrats! ;)

  6. Congratulations, Liz! That's fantastic and with that tons of offers really something special.
    I'm off to your giveaway ...
    Big hugs,

  7. Well girlfriend-- now that you are famous-----!!!

    Serious congrats on scoring your front page hit! That's big stuff-- and well deserved!

    Your beautiful cuff is a treasure-- you are going to make someone's dream come true with that gift--



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