Sunday 26 May 2013


Just a quick reminder that the GIVEAWAY for a fabric cuff made just for you is tomorrow. If you haven't entered yet, you can still do so on THIS post. Once I have drawn a winner, I will get in touch and discuss style, colours, measurements etc. 

We are back in the UK now and I am crazy busy of course. Hopefully normal service will resume soon ;-). Not sure I will be able to get my Nikon sorted out in the near future, so I might have to make do with my little camera for photographing all the lovely things I brought back from France.

Anyhoo, good luck to you gals who have entered the draw for the fabric cuff. I'll post the winner tomorrow.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Thankyou for the good luck wishes, dear Liz-
    and welcome back to UK- I can imagine there are lots to do...but hope to see you soon again my friend!
    Hugs and smiles-

  2. Liz, ich bin so gespannt auf deine neuen wunderschönen Sachen, auf die Fotos.
    Ganz liebe Grüße von Sophie xx

  3. Lulu,
    So happy you are back safe. The package arrived in Germany safely, and thank you so much! I cannot wait to see it here, however! It will be sent soon.
    I love the cuff! You are so creative. Take care and hope the normal service you do not have now will return to normal! And CAN"T WAIT to see what lovely things you found in France! I am thinking about French nightgowns again.....!!!
    hugs to you,


I hope you have enjoyed reading the post. If you have, then I would really love to hear about it, so please leave a comment.