Tuesday 23 April 2013

Here we are, in France,

and at long last enjoying some much appreciated sunshine! Oh it is so good to be back at the cottage again, I have missed the beautiful views and the peace and quiet so much.

We have managed to get a bit of work done in the garden, and I have finally  managed to unpack my suitcase full of craft stuff and set it all up in my craftavan. So tomorrow I can start to catch up with the challenges I have missed.

And guess what, lol, yep, I went to a tiny little brocante on Sunday! Only about a dozen stalls and of those only a couple with old bits and pieces, but it was the only one in the area and I so enjoyed haggling for a few things. Wanna see what I got? Well, if you don't, then you had better stop looking now, because I am going to show!

I got to show you the sweetest little things first, because I love them so much -

DUCK MOULDS! The vendor thought they were pate de fois gras moulds ( molds, for you gals in the US ) but I can't quite see how that would work. But they make excellent chocolate moulds! I have a couple on display in the kitchen now, and love them.

I also found this big apothecary bottle, same style as the little ones I have in my Etsy shop at the moment -

Two very ornate metal pieces, I think they look terrific on a mantlepiece -

Some gorgeous old embroidery magazines, they fold out into huge sheets and look great on the wall -

Wine bottle carrier - 

The most gorgeous large and heavy copper tray, such an unusual shape - 

You know I got a thing for old tools with wooden handles, and this dibber has the most tactile gorgeous wooden handle and brass tip -

Advertising plaque for apple juice, it will make a fabulous kitchen display -

Drawing book, with drawn images for you to copy, how neat is that? -

Spigots, barrel taps, the smaller one made me giggle, because it says " Eau de vie " on it, and thats the stuff that the old folks in the countryside distil themselves -

Sugar cube grabber, I am sure there is a proper name for it, but it escapes me -

and another pie crimper, with, yes, a very tactile wooden handle -

Wine bottle holder - 

As I said, it was only a little one, but I was pleased as punch that I managed to find and haggle for a few little bits and pieces. Some of them might make it into the Etsy shop when I get back to the UK.

Wish me luck for coming Sunday, weather forecast is horrid, so there might not be any brocantes at all......

Toodlepip xxx


  1. What fun to be back in France. You certainly find some lovely treasures.

  2. Hi my dear Liz, such wonderful finds, -and you calls them :"little bits" I know I would think of them as BIG finds :-) there are such wonderful things ,that I would be overwhelmed to find!
    So haPPY that you at last have some grerat weather, and can work in the garden.
    I wish you a wonderful week, and send you hugs.

  3. Great finds dear Liz, you did wonderfully well for only a small brocante. The duck moulds are adorable!
    Did you survive the weather last Sunday? Enjoy your stay in France, I'm absolutely not green with envy here. Not at all. Nope. Lol :)


  4. Oh Liz so many fantastic finds, I specially love the duck molds and the old embroidery magazines, wonderful nature ATC's you have made.
    Hugs Anni

  5. SWEET FINDS - only 12 booths and you got all that? Man, do I need to shop with you..LOL - Liz, you are living my dream and you've inspired me to put on my sidebar my favorite sellers of French finds. xo Rhonda

  6. Have fun, sounds great! Valerie

  7. A cute duck mold for a lucky duck, lol. Great finds, dear Liz. It's amazing that you could get all those wonderful treasures at such a small flea market. The embroidery magazines are very beautiful. They have such lovely fonts and graphics.
    Have fun in your cottage!

  8. Lucky you! I've been looking for chocolate (or pate d'amande) moulds for my boyfriend, he likes to make his own marzipan and would love these moulds. But on ebay they are frightfully expensive! Must go to France to look again :) Enjoy!


  9. Meine Güte, was für ein Glück, in so schönen alte Dinge zu stöbern und zu finden.
    Beneidenswert, ich war noch nie in Frankreich :-) Schade.
    Ich freue mich mit dir über all die herrlichen Dinge, und ich finde, am meisten macht es Spaß, das alles zu suchen.
    Geniesse die schöne Zeit.
    Umarmung und liebe Grüße von Sophie xx

  10. Når jeg ser din blog bliver jeg helt syg for at komme på loppemarkede, den sjove tang heder på dansk en sukkertang og er til sukkerknalder, ved siden er der en "klejnespore" til at rulle klejner ud med. knus morkaren.

  11. Dear Liz, as usual you have found some great treasures in France. Hope you are having a great week.



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