Tuesday 12 March 2013

Hurrah, Spring has arrived

Or has it? Well, last week we had one day of lovely sunshine and temperatures in double figures. And I was so happy to see that Spring had finally arrived. Then it got cold and grey again. Spring finally departed again completely, and Winter returned, gleefully dumping inches of snow and blowing gale force winds. Yep, we are snowed in, can't get out of our road, lol, because we are in a dip and whichever way we go, we have to go uphill. And thats a big no no at the moment.

This was our garden this morning -

But at least I had time to get this week''s challenges in on time. The Every Inchie Monday challenge for this week was GLASSES -

And over at the Tag Tuesday blog we have arrived at the letter J. I chose a vintage image of a JESTER for the tag, along with a few images of a Victorian cat with a jester's hat, which I just couldn't resist. And of course I wanted to finish the bottom of the tag with some dangly bits. Didn't have anything jester related though, so I printed an image of a jester's charm and used that -

Fingers crosssed that we can get out of our road tomorrow.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Wow, I also believed that spring was here, but last night we had plenty snow again.

    Have a nice day

  2. Love your little Jester card. And I'd swear you live across the road. I had plans of shopping today..finally our roads were a bit more free of ice. But more snow and wind. We had rain Sat/Sun turning toice and then 10 inches of snow and wind..most things closed Mon to clean up and here it is again. So glad for blogging friends and some creative energy. Hoping the forcast of 48 Thurs will happen. Enjoy@!!

  3. Jaee det forår kan godt drille lidt, her er ingen sne, men blæst og kulde. knus morkaren.

  4. Ja letzte Woche gab es hier auch mal 25 Grad in der Sonne und es war herrliches Wetter. So viel Schnee wir ihr haben wir hier aber nicht gard mal 1cm obwohl ganz Deutschland im Schneechaos versinken soll. Bei uns ist der Kelch bis jetzt vorbeigezogen :)

    Dein Tag ist lustig und klasse geworden meine Liebe.

    Fühl dich mal geknuddelt
    Hugs Alexandra

  5. OHHHHH, I wouldn`t like that in my own garden, dear Liz...we have had so much here on the island,- how can it hit that little spot in the middle of the sea :-)
    Your J-tag is so wonderful- a great background paper, and the extra`s are so sweet on the side and buttom, love the stamped jester!
    And sweet inchie how lovely with the two glasses, reminds me of ice water outside with that redcheckered cloth :-)
    Hope you can get your car out tomorrow-
    Hugs from me.

  6. The glases give me a feeling of summer. Love the fresh drinks.

  7. Liz,
    I received news from Germany today that 7 inches of snow had fallen, and I heard on our news here that the Airport had been closed....I wonder4ed how it might have affected your area! love the picture. Your inchie and tag are gorgeous and so fun. The glasses look they are holding Joslyn's Brazilian Lemonade, really a Lime flavor. Definitely dreaming of summer there, aren't you! LOL The Jester is a cute one and a great idea, you are so creative, I don't think I would have thought of Jester for my "J" word....
    Hugs to you!

  8. Winter Wonder Lalaland...
    Love your wonderful creations Liz, especially the jester tag. What a great idea to use printed charms!



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