Wednesday 20 March 2013

A very special Blissful Whites Wednesday post

I did try and prepare you yesterday, when I said that this was going to be a very long post, so I hope you  have a cup of tea or coffee with you ( and a piece of cake, if you feel so inclined ). You'll see in a sec why this is a long post, and I am sure you will agree with me that I just had to post all the photographs, anything less just would have deprived you of so much beauty.

A few days ago, I received a couple of packages from two of my dearest bloggy friends. If you have been around for a while, you will recognise their style without me telling you their names, but just in case you are fairly new to our blogs, I'll tell ya. OMG, I am so excited about showing you these pics, lol.

The first package to arrive was from my dear friend Dorthe, dollmaker extraordinaire, who also creates the most beautiful cards, tags, hearts and collages, and all kinds of other beautiful little treasures. Ok, now I will shut up and just show you the pics -

Beautifully packaged -

Ahhhh, such beautiful treasures -

A gorgeous altered charm decorates this beautifully wrapped present -

And inside.........

THE most beautiful collage in unmistakable Dorthe style. See that sweet little heart above the girl? That is a piece of seaweed, totally natural and unaltered. Amazing. I just love the way Dorthe uses natural found objects in her beautiful creations. This post on her blog explains a little about the way it was created.

This beautiful birthday card was also included in the package, so personal with my initial and date. I love the gorgeous skirt the mannequin is wearing -

Biiiiiiiiiig thank you hugs to you, Dorthe my dear dear friend, for these beautiful gifts.

You are probably thinking, well, that wasn't too bad, not really all that long, just normal Lizzie post size, lol, but I am afraid that was only the first part. I can't wait for another day, I am way too excited, I got to show you the second package as well. 

For a very very long time, I have been totally in love with Suzy's creations, most of you will of course know her blog  inside out and admire her just as much. I am so very lucky to count her among my friends, she may be thousands of miles away, but she always feels close. She has gifted me with some awesome pieces in the past, but this time she has really outdone herself. I have to explain a little - you see, I am supposed to be making a fabric book with a Mermaid theme, which for some reason scares me witless. Suzy has been trying to explain to me many times how to approach it, and I am such a wimp and nervous about it, lol, she finally resorted to showing me once and for all how its done................... by making a book for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps now you can understand why this is such a long post, lol.

This is what arrived on my doorstep -

Wrapped in layers of lace .............. 

............. was this -
You can't imagine how I felt when I saw this fabric book, it just leaves you speechless. Except for maybe the odd squeak, sigh, murmured OMG.

I'll just show you the photos of the pages, they don't need any words -

Suzy, you are an amazing woman and a much loved friend, thank you so much!

Did you make it right through this post to the very end? You are stars, lol, each and every one of you. Thank you for visiting, for staying, and I hope you enjoyed seeing these beautiful creations. I am smiling.

Toodlepip xxx

I am linking this post to BLISSFUL WHITES WEDNESDAY at the beautiful TIMEWASHED blog.


  1. Oh what wonderful photos. These designs are lovely Little Treasures. I'm in awe..Thanks for sharing your friends works.

  2. Oh WOW!!.. what stunning gifts...from two amazing artists...Lucky you!! x

  3. What a wonderful post! I made my first visit today to your blog, courtesy of Betsy's Heartstrings. I signed up to follow you, so I can keep up with what you are up to. I started my own blog MimiMine, not long ago. Being somewhat of a hoarder, too,I am always searching for ways to use up a vast array of fabric and craft stashes. Have a wonderfully creative and inspired day!


  4. Wow! How fun to open packages like that! Just beautiful!

  5. Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts. I cannot think of words to describe these two artists' creations. So enchanting.

  6. Oh my dear sweet Liz,
    What a treasure from our lovely Suzy, that book is amazingly beautiful, and a gorgeous piece of art,- I love the tones of nature whites and browns, with dasches of wonderful coloured embroideries- you must truly have been saying :OH MY !! when opening it up, and feeling all the fantastic pages in your hands.
    Thankyou for showing my gift so beautifully, I loved to create both for you, my friend.
    Love and hugs,Dorthe

  7. So beautiful!!! What talented women!

  8. I'm totally thrilled to bits dear Liz that you love your little journal so very much - you know this was meant for inspiration (oh! and, of course,
    for your Birthday!) and now I will be waiting to see some action before long! I absolutely loved creating this for you dear friend across the seas!.
    Isn't Dorthe's collage so very beautiful? - it reminds me of Grace and Emily when they grow up a bit!
    Don't you just love the plumpish little one? And that card is so very beautiful and so is that dreamy lace. She has really spoilt you Liz.
    Enjoy it all and thanks heaps for sharing it here and also on Blissful Whites Wednesday.
    Much love and big hugs,

  9. Amazing talent these two ladies, they are special and giving. Oh, lucky you, Liz, I'm green with envy!!!

  10. Liz,
    Such gorgeous gifts from two such talented and very sweet friends! Dorthe knew that the "packaging" alone would be a gift you adored. I wondered when she posted the about the collage, if it might be for your birthday! I thought I missed it before it happened. For some reason I was thinking the, I missed it now! Happy Birthday! AGAIN!!!! That lovely collage, the seaweed is so wonderful, she does amazing things with natural elements in her work, I just love her dolls. The birthday card is also exquisite...her creations just inspire me.
    The lace book from Suzy is so amazing as well. Layers upon layers upon layers of gorgeous laces of all kinds! beautiful beautiful images and ribbons and crotchet...just beautiful...
    I am hapy they made them for you so we can vicariously love the gifts along with you!
    Hugs, dear friend!

  11. Happy happpy happy belated Birthday, dear Lizzie!!! Could you really wait until your birthday to open the packages from our dear sweet talented friends? You must have been very excited when you unwrapped all those wonderful gifts. Dorthe's collage and the card with the dress form are both gorgeous. The goodies are wonderful for you to play with. Having now one of Suzy's fabulous fabric books in your studio, you must just be inspired to start your own. Suzy has created such an eye-candy with lots of layers and texture again. Soon we want to see pages of your mermaid book :-).
    Have a happy day!

  12. Dear Liz,
    So sorry that my wish is a little late,
    But Happy Birthday and a beautiful year filled with more of your favorite things!
    hugs and JOY,

  13. Well my friend-- I think you may just be the luckiest girl in the world to receive 2 amazingly beautiful gifts such as these-- from not just one-- but BOTH of the most creative artists!!!

    Seriously-- what words could I possibly use that would truly describe how beautiful these creations are. Both of these ladies create from a place that is so full of talent and amazing creativity. You must be thrilled to have these treasures to call your own. You are very very blessed to call them both your friends--


  14. Beautiful treasures indeed! I LOVE that birthday card!!

  15. Happy belated Birthday wishes,dear Liz:)Ooh, our sweet and very talented friends really spoiled you and you so deserve it.Enjoy your gorgeous gifts.
    Hugs and love,

  16. Wow was für ein genials Fabric book. Suzi ist eine fantastische Inspriationsquelle :)

  17. I know what you mean, I've been reading on people's blogs about the gorgeous fabric books they've been making. I finally gathered up my pieces of fabric (of which I have a lot more than I realized), and just made my own. It turned out thicker than I believe theirs are, because I used quilt batting in the middle. They are so addicting, I ended up with 12 pages using lots of different fabric and things I picked up at garage sales. I will definitely be looking at items differently this year. I'm also very excited to start my next book, but I have to give my hands a little rest, as I sewed the whole thing by hand.
    I can't wait to see yours once it's done. Don't be intimidated, just jump in. I love your work, and know it will turn out beautiful.


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