Wednesday 20 February 2013

Wonderful white gifts

Not a day goes by without me seeing evidence of the incredibly generous spirit of the bloggers in our corner of blogland. There are many giveaways, beautiful swaps, and gifts for special occasions or just because.

And I was the humbled recipient of one of those, a just because gift from a dear bloggy friend. A little while ago Salma emailed me to say that she had collected a few little bits and pieces which I might like, and that she was sending me a little package. And a couple of days ago that little package arrived. My goodness, this girl knows me well, just have a look at the lovely lovely things she sent me -

Beautiful pieces of lace fabric -

The sweetest little lace embellishments -

This tiny little scrap of paper was pinned to two tiny little fabric samples -

Handmade broderie anglaise trim -

Some wonderful pieces -

including this gorgeous collar -

and this darling little handkerchief with the sweetest little embroidery, the name Molly -

this piece of fabric is amazing, embellished with tiny beads -

aren't these things just so lovely?

Then there were these gorgeous laces -

and the cutest little sewing accessory I have ever seen, a little drum to store needles -

two more little treasures, a lovely old cabinet card, and an exercise book with some sweet drawings -

I am so delighted with these beautiful things and just want to look at them and touch them for a while before I start thinking about what projects I could use them for. Thank you so very much, Salma, I really am humbled by your kindness. 

Salma's blog is written in German, but even if you don't speak the lingo, it is worth visiting her blog, because her photography is so amazing, fresh and modern and so uplifting. Guaranteed to brighten up the dullest day.

I'd like to link this post to Becky's Blissful Whites Wednesday party over at her TIMEWASHED blog. There are always so many beautiful whites to drool over. 

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Jeg forstår din glæde, sikken en dejlig gave, og hvor er det sødt af afsenderen at lade det gå videre hvis man ikke selv vil bruge det. knus morkaren.

  2. You lucky gal!! Give her my name, lol. Seriously, major swooning going on over know I'm weak in the knees over bits like this. What a sweet friend. xo Rhonda

  3. Liz,
    They are beautiful! What a fun package to have come in your post! Salma does know you well!
    I know what you mean about just hodling and looking at the laces....I do that with mine too!
    Have fun holding and ooohing and ahhhing....and I can't wait to see how you use them! It will be gorgeous, that is for sure!

  4. What a wonderful aprcel you received. These are so delicate and delightful!

  5. Dear Liz,
    Such a loving and beautiful gift to you. It is amazing how many gorgeous handmade things there are still left from our formothers ,to still be treasured . You my dear so deserves these lovelies, and I know you will love to both save and use them for some of your wonderful creations.
    Thankyou for showing all the beauty.

  6. Delightful things of beauty make a beautiful package of eye candy! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow...what an amazing box of lovelies you received! How utterly delightful!! All the same things that would make my soul sing, too!

    I know you'll enjoy them for a long time, and have fun creating with them!!

    Enjoy, and thank you for sharing!

  8. ich freu mich sehr, dass DU dich freust ;) und ich bin schon so richtig gespannt drauf, was du alles daraus zaubern wirst!! :D irgendwie sieht das alles auf deinen Fotos jetzt schon so richtig nach "Schatz" aus *hihi*

    liebe grüße auf die Insel!

  9. Hello Liz,
    What beautiful gifts, lucky, lucky you!
    enJOY a beautiful day,

  10. Liz-- these gifts are absolute treasures-- and your photography is even more so-- these gifts could not be more perfect for you!! I just know you will be making something beautiful--

    Sending love and hugs-

  11. Ich bin wieder ganz verzaubert von diesen prächtigen Stücken.

  12. Oh Wow!...look at all that lacy treasure!!..what wonderful mail to receive!..can't wait to see what treasures you create from them now :)

  13. Oh Liz
    I can see the look on your face when you opened this parcel!
    What absolute treasures! This friend knows you only too well. Now that would have to be a very hard gift to beat! I know you will love each piece and find it very difficult to cut into those very stunning handmade delicate pieces.
    Enjoy them my friend.
    Are the days getting any longer there for you?
    Sending damp hugs from here,
    Suzy xox

  14. You are one lucky girl, ma chère Liz and you deserve it so very well. This was such an amazing package with lots of fantastic pieces of lace and other goodies. Have fun with all those wonderful treasures, sweet friend!
    I had to giggle over your grandfather tag. Too funny and just so adorable!
    Happy weekend! Hopefully there will be a boot fair for you.
    Big hugs and love,

  15. Now girlfriend you KNOW I'm swooning!!!! Love white. Just love it and your pretties are 2die4.

    Love to you~


  16. Don't you just hate putting them away? It's kind of an "out of sight, out of mind" thing and they so deserve to be visible at all times. But unfortunately, that wouldn't leave any room in the studio!! These laces are made to be drooled over... lucky you! Thanks for sharing these with all of us!

  17. Oh, I love it when we share the gifts that come to us! These are all so beautiful! Thanks for your comment on my blog.... I think I'll be checking in more often!
    hugs to you,

  18. Hi Liz, So happy I stopped in and checked out your lovely blog! Love your generous gift of all the laces! I am now a follower and look forward to visiting often! Pam

  19. o wow... now where does one get such beautiful lace embellishments I'd really really like to know? Never found anything like that over here.

  20. Oh wow you lucky lucky girl!! Im sure you will do wonderful things with those little bits and pieces.


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