Friday 8 February 2013

Back in the UK

And also back in my craft room, which is great, yay! I had a lot of catching up to do after three weeks in France without any craft supplies, 3 tags for the weekly Tag Tuesday challenge and 4 inchies for the Every Inchie Monday challenge. Yikes. Finally got it done though. I think I'll start with the inchies.

First one I missed was GIRL. I used an image from a postcard in my collection. I had used the same image  before, but I just love it so  much, I wanted to use it again, slightly differently though -

Next one on the list was STONE. I really have no idea why I picked this stone up when I was collecting shells on the beach last year, but I had it in my all-sorts box ever since. Bit of Distress stickles to simulate sand, little bit of sky blue chalk ink and that was the STONE inchie done -

HUT was next. Hmm, my hut turned out to be a somewhat dilapidated hut, lol. Coloured matchsticks for the wooden supports, and dried grass for the roof with a teeny piece of leather to simulate an animal hide curtain over the door opening. Brown chalk ink for the ground and greens for the jungle -

Last week's inchie was RUIN. I drew this ruined church with the broken stained glass windows separately, cut it out and glued it to the prepared inchie -

There, thats me all caught up with the inchies. And now on to the tags. We are going through the alphabet and I had chosen antique/vintage images for my ongoing theme. I had missed the letters C, D and E while I was away.

I chose CORSET for the letter C. I love the old advertisements for corsets, so I scanned in an ad from a 1909 French magazine called Je Sais Tout. I also scanned an ad from a furniture company and used that as a background for my corset lady, which I coloured by hand a little -

For the letter D I chose DRESS, because there have been some amazing dress creations over the years. None more amazing than in the period when these sort of dresses were popular -

Letter E, well that was a no-brainer, it had to be the EIFFEL TOWER of course, as I had just been in France for 3 weeks. I use this image of the Eiffel tower a lot, it is from a postcard in my collection -

I think for the next few days I will have to get busy and restock my Etsy shop, it is getting very low on French treasures. And of course I have to draw a winner from all the lovely people who visited my blog during Vicki's GYB party. I think I shall do that tomorrow, Sunday seems like a good day for it.

Until then, toodlepip and thank you all so much for stopping by. xxx


  1. Skønne ting du viser os i dag, din korsetdame er jeg ret vild med. knus morkaren.

  2. Liz, my dear,
    Welcome home- to UK :-)
    How bussy you have been already,- your inchies are both so sweet and fun...I know from the little I did the first year,how tiny they are ,and you makes such great things on them.
    Your tags are gorgeous, LOVE the corset one,with madame mooving out of the tag, and the dress is beautiful too- I`m loving that Marie Antoinette period`s dresses. And ofcourse I love La Tour Eiffel- so wonderful with all the laces.
    Have a great weekend, Liz, and hugs from me.

  3. Liz Liz Liz...welcome home and WOW..I love all of your creations. The inchies are awesome and the tags...well..they are all beautiful. I love the "E" one the most I think but no perhaps the "C" one but then again the "D" one really catches my eye. Oh pooh....I can't choose and so glad I don't have too..hehe


  4. Really LOVE the tags.

    Have a great weekend

  5. schön, dass ihr gut daheim gelandet seid :)

    mit deinen tags übertriffst du dich jedesmal aufs neue :D die sind sooo schön geworden!


  6. Hello Liz,
    Your creative wheels have been turning out some wonderful works of art. The inches are so cute and the tags are so very pretty.

    My favorite is the corset tag.


  7. Glad you're back home safe and sound and back in your studio. You had a lot of catching up to do but I find having the challenges that you do,are great motivators for generating ideas. Love the vintage image of the girl and can see why you revisit that. And the lace and trims on the Eiffel Tower tag are just lovely! Of course, all the others are well done, too. It's so hard to single one out!

  8. Oh, mein Gott, sind das schöne Werke.
    Die Tags sind einzigartig.
    Ich bin sehr beeindruckt.

    Liebe Grüße

  9. Love your inchies and tags. So nice how you arranged the background. Brilliant pieces of art.


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