Wednesday 14 November 2012

Beautiful Broderie for Blissful Whites Wednesday

For this week's Blissful Whites Wednesday post I had a rummage in one of my lace boxes, the one with my little broderie anglaise treasures. They are mostly from France, trims which have come from mantle covers and antique nightdresses, bloomers, underskirts, saved by these thrifty women of old when the rest of the garment was worn out. Whenever I pick up a piece at a brocante or vide grenier, I have to marvel at the amazing workmanship. You'll see from the photos that some of the broderie anglaise is quite large ( mostly from bloomers ) and some is so tiny and incredibly delicate that it is hard to imagine how anybody could have stitched it, probably by candlelight, firelight or perhaps an oil lamp -

Thank you so much for visiting, I still haven't managed to get around to all the blogs on my reading list, but I will try my very best to catch up with you all.

In the meantime, hop over to TIMEWASHED for this week's Blissful Whites party, and check out all the other lovely WHITE links.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. <3<3
    Hug from Mette.

  2. Tak for et vidunderligt syn, hvor har du mange skatte, og tænk alt det er syet af kvindehænder og som du selv siger sikkert i dårlig belysning, men det er jo fra før TV og PCens tid. knus morkaren.

  3. Dear Liz,
    your collection of Broderie Anglaise
    is so beautiful.Many of the patterns I have never seen before, and they are truly the most fantastic workmanship.How did they do it, and where did they find the time ,for that, I wonder.
    I hope your wednesday have been lovely, m`dear and wisches you a relaxed evening .
    Hugs from Dorthe

  4. Ohhjee ich bin blind aber ich schwöre als ich eben die Mail geschrieben habe war der neue Post noch nicht ersichtlich (auf meinem Blog)
    Wunderschöne Spitze meine Liebe

  5. Hi Liz, What gorgeous whites in your collection. The work is stunning. I love the details and patterns. Yes, it makes you wonder how they worked in such perfection with low lighting.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  6. You have a wonderful collection! Wow!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  7. Go gorgeous....I really want to try to make something like that, it will have to be extremely small, or I might get distracted! LOL But I LOVE those trim pieces. No wonder they kept the trims and reused them on other pieces, it must have taken months to do some of that work! Such beautiful workmanship....workwomanship...!

  8. Simply beautiful,dear Liz:)
    BWW to you.

  9. oh your eyelets are to die for thanks for sharing it all with us. xo

  10. Beautiful, Liz. That's it, I'm moving to France or England, wherever you are right now...LOL

  11. These are gorgeous pieces, dear Lizzie. I always enjoy looking at such delicate laces and I'm wondering too how they did it back then without proper lighting.
    Have a lovely day!

  12. Liebe Liz, ich habe auch noch von meiner Oma und auch von meiner Mutter alte Spitzen.
    Von meiner Oma habe ich noch viele echte alte handgewebte Leinen-Handtücher mit eingesticktem Namen/Monogramm.
    Und auch noch einen ganzen Leinen-Ballen in einer alten schweren Eichentruhe.

    Liebe Grüße

  13. Oh Liz
    This collection of broderie anglaise night gowns I think is the most beautiful one I have seen.
    I know I am very late in commenting - just been up to my eyeballs with my Giveaway, swaps, Christmas gifts, gardening etc. etc.
    Hope all is well with you dear friend?!
    Sending big lacey hugs,

  14. Just browsed and got drunk on this beautiful collection. Stunning. Picture #5 and #11 - would you part with those laces? Would love to have them. xoxo

  15. I can just picture these women sitting by a fire and happily stitching away. Good thing there was no T.V back then or we wouldn't be enjoying their beautiful creations today! LOL

    Liz I'll be posting your beautiful gifts on my blog this week so keep an eye out.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    hugs Lynn


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