Thursday 30 August 2012

Prayer Flag (JAN, DON'T PEEK )

Before I show you photos of the prayer flag I made, just a quick note about yesterday's post. 

Well dang and blast, lol, I really thought one of you would know what that second lot of weird white bits could be. I was banking on it, lol. The first photos are fairly easy. When you think of France, you have to think of food, the French LOVE their food. Typical French food - snails! Very often after a good long rain, you will see the farmers out and about along the lanes or the fields with big buckets, collecting the snails. Hmm. They can keep them, lol. Anyhoo, these little white pots are for cooking snails in the oven, as shown in this photo, which I found on Google images -

BUT...... I have no idea what the other white thingies are. Still, I don't mind, I love their shape, they are tactile and they look great displayed. 

Now on to the prayer flag. A little while ago, I saw a post on Jan's blog Jan's Arty Junk about prayer flags. You can see the post and the lovely  prayer flags she created here. She asked whether anybody else was interested in a prayer flag swap and I had to say me me me of course. Errrmm, what exactly are prayer flags? I jumped in there without knowing anything about them, but Jan pointed me in the right direction and a one on one swap was agreed. We both thought a surprise one would be nice, no theme. Now, living (part time) in this beautiful area of France, I had to chose Nature. And as preserving nature for future generations is so important, the key word for me had to be PRESERVE -

It is on the way to Jan now, shouldn't be long before it gets there. Can't wait to see the prayer flag she is making for me.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. I do hope she won't want to put that beauty out of doors! It's lovely.

  2. The very thought of snails Liz makes me feel slimy! I pass on these no matter how beautifully they are presented.
    I love your "Preserve" prayer flag. They are such a wonderful idea as reminders of what messages are important in our lives. We would have no lives without these precious items of nature represented here.
    Love it all including the feather, wheat and leaves!
    Sending birdsong hugs to you,
    xox Suzy

  3. Oh dear, poor snails. And no thanks too. I can already imagine the horror of them sneaking their way out of those little pots, ugh. Quick! Put them in the oven! That's nasty :D

    What are the odds of Jan not peeking??? :)

  4. Your prayer flag is gorgeous. I really like all the textures and of course, the bits and pieces of nature you added.
    So interesting about the tiny snail pots...I never would have thought about that.

  5. LOL...I peeked....but all is your beautiful swap package arrived today (WOW!! that was quick!!)..Love it!! I've sent you an email...Jan x

  6. OH MY ,I should have known that Lix!!! :-)
    Ofcourse..but they can keep them for me also!
    Your prayer flag with its wonderful message, is beautiful, and preserving is truly so very importent in this world of ours.
    Hugs ,Dorthe

  7. Wow! Your prayer flag for Jan is gorgeous!

    The idea of putting icky, slimy snails in those cute little pots is not so gorgeous!: P


  8. oh beuatiful pots and that prayer flag is divine, jan will love it :)

  9. Hi Liz, No snails for me either, thanks. I tried them once and then threw up the whole night. I had made my thoughts about the other ceramic pieces. Beignets molds is the only idea that popped into my mind but since beignets get deep fried it doesn't make sense, I guess. Whatever they are, they look great.
    Your prayer flag is gorgeous and I'm sure that Jan will love it.
    Have a wonderful weekend :-)!
    Big hugs,

  10. It's beautiful, who wouldn't like it!? Valerie

  11. Beautiful, Liz, simply beautiful prayer flag. The only thing I would like to know is the size of the prayer flags you exchanged, please. thanks, Marrianna

  12. That's one sweet prayer flag Liz and I'm with you, they can keep the snails. yuck!!!
    hugs Lynn

  13. Love your prayer flag it is beautiful,dear Liz.Have a wonderful week.

  14. I love the prayer flag, I specially love the nature items and the bird feather.
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. Your flag is lovely! Let me know if you'd like to do a swap with me. You can see some of my flags on Flickr at

  16. This is such a special idea between you and Jan and imagine the sheer joy on her face when she receives this, most definitely this will become an heirloom treasure.

  17. Das ist ein wunderschönes Teil meine Liebe!


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