Wednesday 1 August 2012

The sweetest Whites

A couple of weeks ago, I shared some photos of a very old French communion wreath with you for WHITE WEDNESDAY in this post here. Well, guess what? I found another Holy Communion wreath last Sunday, not as old as the first one, but also very beautiful. A different style, different materials, I would think from the 40s or 50s. It very much reminded me of photographs I saw of family members' Communion photos from the 50s.

Here it is in all its white and pearly beauty -

This one, just like the first one, also came with a separate little "brooch", so sweet. I suppose it was worn on the dress -

Also in the that precious box were two wire beaded accessories. They look like hair adornments, but they don't have clips or fasteners of any kind, just the wrapped wires, which fold at the back.  Hmm. Got any ideas? They are gorgeous though, see for yourself -

The lace they are resting on is part of a small but fabulous lot of pieces I also found at Sunday's brocante. I'll show you those in another post.

I am joining Kathleen at the Faded Charm blog for another WHITE WEDNESDAY party, this one is No. 163, can you believe it? She is showing her dining room today, and it is so beautiful. Lots of greats links to more fabulous whiteness as well, of course.

Toodlepip xxx

PS - I finally managed to put up the promised post on my Vintageland blog, for those of you who would like a first look at the newly found French treasures. xx


  1. Lovely things. Might those last items be some sort of hairslides?

  2. I am reminded of weddings with these gorgeous pearly accessories. No idea as to what or how those hair accessories should be worn!

    What will you do with these pearl lovelies?

  3. Oh, be still my heart.Just gorgeous,Liz.Is the wreath for sale? Happy WW.

  4. You are making me weep...LOL
    These are so beautiful, Liz.
    I have quite the addiction to these wreaths. Oh covet covet covet!

  5. Der er nu noget med blonder og perler der er så smukt. knus morkaren.

  6. Liz sweet friend, you have a wonderful gift of finding stunning pieces.
    How very very beautiful is this wreath also, and the beaded accessories absolutely fantastic beautiful, too, I have no idea of what it have been used for.
    Hugs to you .

  7. Very beautiful pieces, dear Liz! The lovely flowers combined with the pretty pearls .... mmhhh, just dreamy!
    Have a wonderful evening :-)!
    Hugs to you,

  8. These are gorgeous, LIZ!
    I have been trying to find your post about the communion bible you found, which post is it? I can't seem to find it!
    It is all so pretty, I can't wait to look at your new items!
    a bientot!

  9. What beautiful pieces! The Communion wreath is exquisite, and so carefully preserved.


  10. Sooooo sweet and lovely!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  11. Liz- these are SO beautiful-- I think you are in a wonderful place for finding true treasures at the flea market. I've never seen this wreath before-- it's so special-- a perfect find for you!

    I totally love your beautiful blog header!!

  12. Oh I sure wish I still had my hairpiece and veil from my First Holy Communion. Would be an antique by now! LOl
    Gorgeous pieces you lucky gal!
    hugs Lynn


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