Wednesday 18 July 2012

French Holy Communion Whites

For this week's WHITE WEDNESDAY post, I wanted to show you some recent French brocante finds, which I absolutely adore. I was so lucky to find this oh so beautiful little communion wreath made with wax flower buds, which a young girl would have worn for her First Holy Communion many decades ago. It is so perfect, none of the delicate little wax buds are missing, and even the leaves are undamaged. The separate, large flower was probably worn as a pin on the dress, I don't think it was attached to the wreath. And to go with it, I found this gorgeous mother-of-pearl child's rosary with a beautiful silver cross. So small, so delicate, and so moving.

I am linking this post to the fabulous WHITE WEDNESDAY linky party at the Faded Charm blog. Hop on over there if you want to immerse yourself in more WHITE treasures.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. OH dear Liz,
    those are most beautiful, and fantastic finds.
    So precious for you to hold ,and feel the past through those stunning pieces,I know they will be treasured items in your collection.
    They are just WONDERFUL, dear friend.
    Warm hugs and love to you.

  2. Oh, be still my heart:)What beautiful finds,Liz and so precious.Happy WW.

  3. Liz, Liz, Liz, be still my heart!
    Petite Michelle Louise pinned this on Pinterest! What an incredible find.

    I'm having a bad week and this made me smile!

    xo Rhonda

  4. Oh, how beautiful! I especially love the rosary beads; I hope that the little girl to whom they were given lived a very blessed life.



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