Monday 14 May 2012

Everybody should have Sun Angels in their lives

And I am such a lucky lucky person, because I have two! One, a walking, talking, hugging and kissing real life angel living in Denmark, who brightens my day like a ray of sunshine, and one, a beautiful, crafted with love, now living in the craftavan, sun angel.
My wonderful Dorthe had read on my blog that we had weeks and weeks of horrid weather here in France, and this beautiful woman sent a sun angel from Denmark to France. And you know what? The closer it got to France, the better the weather got, until the day it arrived it was an amazing 30C! Since then, it has gotten much colder again, but....... the sun is still shining, woohoo! So, thank you so very much, my Danish angel for my wonderful sun angel! It did the trick, it sure did.

Dorthe also knew that I couldn't print anything on fabric here at the cottage, so she sent me a whole pile of gorgeous little images printed on fabric. She is so thoughtful, I just love her to bits. Now I really have no excuse any longer, I have to get the sewing machine out, lol.

But enough of me prattling on, here are pics of what you really want to see, the beautiful gifts from my very dear friend Dorthe -

Fabulous tag!

Her card was so appropriate, my lilac bush was flowering

Sigh, all these beautiful images on fabric for me to work with

And then I opened the sweet fabric bag and carefully took out this beauty -

I adore her little booties!

She sat on the table for a little while, enjoying the sunshine she had brought to me

and then she made her way over to her new home, the craftavan, where she greets me every time I come in to do some crafting

You are an amazing friend, Dorthe, thank you!

Yesterday was Mothers Day in the US and in Europe, and I hope that all  you mothers had a wonderful day and were loved and looked after and spoiled rotten on this special day. In England, as you may know, Mothers Day is much earlier, in March, and I was thoroughly spoilt by my darling boys then.
But as you also may know, I am German, and for many many years I made sure to phone my mom in Germany to wish her a wonderful day. This year is the first time I cannot, because I lost her just before Christmas. I miss her so much, even though I talk with her in my head all the time. Like yesterday, before and after the Formula 1 race, lol. We always had great discussions after watching the qualifying on Saturdays, and after the race on Sundays, about our favourites, about drivers we couldn't stand, car performances etc. I hope I'll never forget what her voice sounded like, and her laugh.

It was a sunny Sunday yesterday, at long last, and we went to a fabulous vide grenier about 3/4 hour's drive from us. Hundreds of stalls, of course most of them with baby clothes, toys, etc, but also some lovely old stuff to drool over, fondle, admire, and in some cases, BUY!! Gosh, I have so many photos from other vide grenier to show you as well, I really must get my act together and post some. I will do this week, promise!!! Kick my butt occasionally just to make sure ;-)

Right, it has warmed up a little out there, so now I am going to dig a little more so that I can plant some more little bits and pieces which my very dear friend Christine has given me. Have a wonderful, creative week!

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Oh I am so very happy that Dorthe's gorgeous little Sun Angel brought with her all the sunshine a woman could possibly need. How very thoughtful of her to send you lots of fabric images to play with. Now Liz there is no excuse! (unless of course you are out digging more garden hehe!)
    Please email me dear friend if there is anything else you are short of and I can dive into my cave and send pronto!
    Look forward to viewing your new purchases!
    Love and more sunshine hugs from here!

  2. I loved this post and seeing all those wonderful fabric printed items. The doll is precious.

    I'm sorry to hear that you lost your mother at Christmas time. That is when I lost my mother as well. You are right though, they are always with us and we can talk to them at any time.

  3. Oh Liz my dear sweet friend, you made a tear run,- --you said so kind and lovely words about me, and I just wanted to give you a little joy, with all that bad weather. ---I could have wished her to also give a little real sunshine after arriving-hopefully it will come, my beautiful dear friend Liz.I`m happy she is with you in your van.
    I am so glad that at last you could go to a vide grenier and really find and buy GORGEOUSNES-and will look forward seing your photoes from that wonderful sunday.
    Liz I know this sunday also was a difficult day for you, and hugs you warmly.
    I love you and wishes you a warmer and sunnyer rest of the week.

  4. Love that dress form tag. gorgeous!!

  5. Meine Liebe der Engel ist traumhaft schön von Dorthe. Ich kann gut verstehen dass du dich da gefreut hast.


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