Wednesday 18 April 2012

HURRAH !!!!!

I am so excited, we finally got broadband at the cottage, woohoo! It will take me ages to catch up with everybody and everything, so please don't expect too much right away, but I will get there, yay.

Here are a couple of pics of my doggies, enjoying life in France, just for my DS3, who is missing them terribly -

How can a 40kg dog make himself so small??? - 

You may remember that I entered ArtJoyStuff's CELEBRATE SPRING ATC SWAP a while ago, and last week, I received Kimberly's letter with 6 swap ATCs. It was my very first ATC swap, and I was so excited when Kimberly's letter turned up in our mailbox here in France. I love the six ATCs I received. Of course, you will want to see them, right? Here they are - 

They were beautifully wrapped and came with this gorgeous tag from Kimberly -

Darn, I have put them up in my craftavan already, so I can't tell you right now who made which ATC.  Bother, lol, too eager to display them, lol. But they do look good in my craftavan, don't you think -

Oh, while I am at it, I might as well show you a few more pics of the craftavan, some of the beautiful gifts received from very dear bloggy friends -

These are by no means all my beautiful gifted treasures, some are in the bathroom, some in the bedrooms, and some are in England. They are all so dear to me.

This is so great, I am sitting in the cottage, in front of a roaring fire as it is so cold and rainy today, and I can do a blog post. I am a very happy bunny, lol.

Next post I'll show you some of the lovely old ephemera I picked up at the last vide grenier I went to. But for now, its toodlepip xxx


  1. oh du hast ja KEINE ahnung, wie ich dich beneide ;)

    es muss sooooo viel schöner sein, einen blodgpost in einem französischen cottage zu schreiben, als in einem schnöden haus in wien. *bäh*

    ich freu mich sehr für dich! deine geschenke sind der wahnsinn! :)

    liebe grüße nach frankreich!

  2. Dear Liz
    Your DS3 will be thrilled to see the rest of the family "enjoying" themselves in France.
    Beautiful ATCs from Kimberly and it is just great that you have displayed them in your craftavan along with all the other gifts to make you feel loved and appreciated by so many of your blog friends!
    I know what you will be doing over the next few days now that broadband has arrived!!!!
    Hope all is travelling well and you are not the slightest bit homesick!
    Looking forward to the next post with your ephemera etc.
    Do you think you could email me your address in France dear friend?
    Talk soon,
    Sending big French hugs and kisses,

  3. Hi Liz,
    I'm so thrilled for you too.The ATC's are all beautiful.Looks like you are all having fun.Hope it will warm up for you.
    Have a great week.

  4. Hi Liz,
    So glad to hear they arrived safely, they look awesome displayed in your craft van (love that). Really honored that you first ATC swap was one of mine, you're a JOY!!!

  5. Oh was so wonderful getting to see your world again. I have missed you. (life has been in the way for a bit here lately...LOL)

    Love the ATC's and all the lovelies you have been sent. Wonderful getting pressies!!

    Love the furbabies...I know they are missing your DS3 as much as he is them but I know they are happy to be with you.


  6. Hello Liz, what a cosy craft van and cute doggies you have! It's so nice to see how you treasure the gifts of your dear blogfriends. The doggie knot is amazing, I wish I could make myself stretch like that :) I'm happy to hear you have internet access again. Enjoy! Hugs, Wendy

  7. Beautiful ATCs!
    It is amazing where our fur babes put themselves and that they can soundly sleep in the seeminly most unconfortable positions. -lol-
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  8. Oh am I happy dear Liz, now I can hear from you, even when you enjoy the french life...
    I can see your dogs are fully at home, and loving it :-)
    And the beautiful swap ATC`s from the Kimberly swap are looking sweet there on your wall, between all the other gifts. I spot one from me also, dear friend.
    Hugs and love to you, see you soon-

  9. Liz, so glad you and your fur babies are getting settled in. I think your dogs could eat one of my fur babies lunch.LOL. mine weight about 5 lbs each!

    Lovely Atc's and how wonderful that you are surrounded by all the beautiful art from your friends!!!

    Thank you so much for the book pages. Your tag is so beautiful.
    Hugs Lynn

  10. Ich weiss auch nicht wie die das schaffen sich so klein zu machen aber weisst du warum sie sich im Bett dann immer doppelt so groß machen wie sie sind? Es geht ja auch anders wenn die Knuddelteile es wollen.
    Dein Wohnwagen ist super klasse geworden, das ist eine super Idee! Und die Teile machen sich gut darin :)


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