Wednesday 28 March 2012

Who won the giveaway?

Gosh, this has all been such a rush! I wanted to do so much more, but with the very unexpected and extremely short notice move to the cottage in France for the next few months, I just couldn't do it. But I have picked a winner for the altered egg box with all the little goodies inside. At least I had time for putting all the names in my heart shaped giveaway draw box :-). The winner of this

is ROBIN, from A Robin's Nest. Please email me your address asap so that I can get it shipped before we leave for France tomorrow night.

I also picked a handful of lovely people from the ones who comment so often and regularly ( Dorthe, Suzy, Alexandra, Julia, Rhonda and Lynn S ). I'll send you a few pages from that gorgeous Italian 1713. I am in such a mad rush to get everything done before tomorrow though, I don't have time to include anything else, I hope you'll understand.

I will try my very best to keep in touch whilst we are in France. Keep your fingers crossed that we will be able to finally get broadband at the cottage!

Toodlepip xxx

PS - Can I just say that I immensely dislike the new blogger format? Of course it could just be me being a dumbo, but I find writing a post so much more fiddly now, placing photos etc. Dont like it. Why can't they just leave things alone, waahh??? dont like the home page either, making the intros to new posts from bloggers on my reading lists so huge is just silly, there is way too much from each blog, I constantly have click on view more because you almost get the whole post right there, lol. Well, not quite, but you get my drift. Can I change that? Does anybody know? I much prefer the old compact list.  Ah well, I supose I'll get used to it in time. Still don't like it though. Humph. AND WHATS WITH ALL THE HUGE GAPS ON MY POST NOW??? I HATE IT!


  1. Enjoy your stay in France.



  2. Congratulations to Robin.Bon Voyage,Liz.Have a wonderful time.

  3. Robin, congratulations.

  4. OH Liz , you are the sweetest, to also gift me and others some wonderful pages from that fantastic Italian 1713- I don`t think I have had such old pages in my hand ,THANKYOU my dear Liz.
    I have not upgrated to the new Blogger, and now don`t want to eighter, but I guess I am not to be asked!!! OHHHHHH I so agree, why are they constantly changing good-to bad!!
    Liz dear, a happy and wonderful tour I wish you, and HOPE we can connect with you from France :-)
    Much love and hugs, and take care.

    CONGRATULATIONS dear Robin, on your wonderful win.
    Dorthe, xx

  5. Congratulations to Robin and the lucky loyal follower winners too!!
    Have a great time at the cottage!
    Regarding teh Blogger layout, I think it is something we will all have to get used to... Oh well.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  6. I'm jumping up and down - woo hoo!
    I'm crossing my fingers and toes you get connected internet while you are in France. xo Rhonda

  7. Oh, I can't believe I'm such a lucky girl to have won your giveaway!! I've sent you an email with my addy. Hope you have a safe trip and that your internet is working while you are there. Thanks again for the generous giveaway Liz.


  8. Me again... :o)
    To change back to the old layout go to your dashboard. In the upper right is the language option box. To the right of that is a wheel/flower icon. Click on the icon and a drop down will appear. That is where you can select to go back to the old format.
    Hope that helps.
    Always, Queenie

  9. Dear Liz
    I Hope you are not getting too dizzy!
    cause we can't have a dizzy lizzy trying to do everything before she goes to France.
    Lovely that Robin won the Giveaway - she will be over the moon!
    Oh sweetie that is the kindest thought wanting to share a bit of that antique book. I can't believe it! But don't worry yourself about any of that for now!
    We are all hoping we can keep connecting with you in France!!!
    So roll out the Broadband asap and let's begin!
    Hope all goes well for you Liz,
    Sending heaps of big hugs to you and love,Suzy

  10. Hi Lizzie, have a great time at the cottage and please do not sack all the vide greniers as usual, LOL!

  11. Congats to Robin on her big win!!!
    and how very sweet of you Liz to send more treats out especially when your trying to get packed to leave. Your such a dear!!!
    I do have some things I'd like to send to you for a belated Birthday. If you can send me your new address in France I'll get them mailed off.
    Hugs Lynn


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