Thursday 1 March 2012

Tag Tuesday - BOOKS

I have been reading books since I was 5 years old and my grandmother introduced me to the sweetest little "Pixie" books. Not a day goes by without me reading. So you can imagine that picking a favourite book is almost impossible.

Having said that, there is a series of books which I read again and again, every summer when we are in France for a few months. That series is called Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. I absolutely adore this series of 12 fantasy books, their fine characters and the incredibly detailed world they live in. I had been so looking forward to the TV series made from the books, sadly, it really didn't live up to the books, I watched one episode and then gave up before it spoilt it all for me.

In the end it wasn't difficult at all to pick my favourite, I guess, I just had to go with the Sword of Truth books. The main image is from 'Faith of the Fallen", the dragon is Scarlet, friend to the main character Richard. Top and bottom of the tag images of all twelve books in the series
and the tag is framed on two sides by the Sword of Truth -

If you also belong to the Tag Tuesday blog, you will have noticed that I copied the text over from my post on there. Very lazy, really, but I am a wee bit pressed for time right now.

I am bursting to show you photos of a beautiful new treasure I received in the mail yesterday, but................... it is so gorgeously pink, I want to keep it for a special Pink Saturday post.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Wonderful tag!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  2. Oh, the books look interesting. Did your boys read them - I'm wondering if they're suitable for young teens or not?

    Thanks so much for your comment on my kitchen canisters. I was bored with having them all matched, and thought it would be a bit of fun to jumble them together!

  3. Dear Liz, I have not heard of those books.... but they seems wonderfully adventures and exiting- I love how you added all the fronts of the series to top and button of your great tag,- isent it wonderful, to have some books, one can read over and over again, and never get tired.
    I wish you a happy week-end dear friend.
    xx, Dorthe

  4. Ich lese auch für mein Leben gerne und habe Bücher die ich immer wieder lese.
    Dein Tag ist klasse liebe Liz. Mal was anderes :)
    Hugs und knuddel

  5. fabulous tag :-) I'm always grabbing a scrap of paper to hold my place in a book... duh... I should make a book mark LOL

  6. How very creative of you! I don't think I've ever seen a movie or TV series that was better than the book.


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