Monday 6 February 2012


There are so many things I should have been doing, but..................... I got sidetracked. It really is my friend Jo's fault, I blame her entirely. She came to visit me on Saturday, and we spent a wonderful day together. And she showed me this beautiful blanket she had made with a new crochet flower pattern.

I really really wanted to try that one as well. You see, I am not very good with patterns, either written or with symbols. I am much better at watching somebody actually doing it and copying them. Thats what we did. Jo showed me how to crochet this sweet flower and also how to join as you go, which I had never been able to get my head round.

So, once she had gone home, I just had to try it out for myself. I had yarns left over from a blanket I had made some time ago, and I spent Saturday evening having a go. And I carried on having a go on Sunday. And Monday morning.

And I am thrilled to bits with the result. It really is nothing special, only a scarf, but I am so pleased I have learned a new pattern and managed to join the flowers as I was crocheting. The colours are pretty pastels, perfect for Spring -

I might just have to get out some of my nice wools and make a lankie..........

Toodlepip xxx


  1. How pretty it looks and what a shame you can't tell us how it's done!

  2. That is very lovely--thats the same way I learn by watching someone else do it. I have a hard time just picking up a new hobby by reading. Beautiful way to begin.

  3. Brilliant, I love crochet and these look marvellous.

  4. Its like a beautiful spring flower garden, lovely! Enjoy!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  5. I'm tempted to write a post......

    We did spend a wonderful day together, but ladies you wouldn't believe the grief I got about those flowers. And, and.....I got a "crisis" 'phone call in the evening because while I was busy being distracted by all Lizzie's lovely things up in her eyrie, I missed out one of the steps of the flower.

    Still, seems she's mastered it now, so I can't be that bad a teacher
    :-) So much for "I've made one or two" as she told me last night!

    Well done Madam L, you have definitely got the hang of it
    JJ xx

  6. How colorful and full of all the spring colors! Lucky you to have a friend like Jo. By reading her post, you have quite a collection!

  7. Well Madam L I expect we'll see the most exquisite flowered crochet rug in just no time at all! No wonder you can't put that wool and hook down!!!
    The best distraction ever!
    Gorgeous work really!
    Love and hugs,


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