Wednesday 22 February 2012

Inchie catch up

I somehow managed to miss 3 Mondays worth of inchies by going to France. But I caught up today, I made all three this morning.

First one up is FLYER. I have no idea why Muttley sprang to mind straight away, but spring he did and I couldn't resist him. I only added a few little wisps of cotton wool to the inchie to make clouds, and "chromed" up the metal bits on his plane -

Last week's inchie was GLOW. Maybe it had something to do with the icy conditions at the cottage last week, lol, but cheeks GLOWing rosy red from walks in the snow was what I thought of straight away -

And this week's theme is DREAM. I couldn't help myself, I had to use an image which I had used once before, because it is so sweet, but this time, the little girl is DREAMing of playing with fairies at the bottom of the garden amongst the beautiful flowers -

Haven't managed to make this week's Tag Tuesday tag yet, I am struggling to find the right background etc for my favourite poem. I just hope that inspiration will strike soon.

Back to the grindstone now, got to edit pics and list some French goodies. Until tomorrow, toodlepip xxx


  1. Liz ,dear -you alwayes find so wonderful wayes to express the Inchie words- like this little flyer-and the sweetest girls, both so beautiful- I can see the fairie dreamer have also had red cheeks- so sweet they are.
    Hope you are cosy and happy at home,and sends you HUGS.

  2. Really great Inchies, Lululiz! I LOVE the Flyer!

  3. Hi Liz,
    these are sweet dreams. I love your inchies.


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