Sunday 8 January 2012

A whole new year of INCHIES!!!

Just when I thought I was done with making inchies, along comes another year of inchie challenges! HURRAH! Of course, in the best Lalaland tradition, I am late posting the first one, sigh. This week's theme was GOLDEN, and here is my golden inchie -

I used a tiny piece of a golden paper doily, golden German glass glitter and a few little golden gems.

I have been making quite a few tags to go out with Etsy orders as well, but I keep forgetting to take pics of them. Ah well, you are probably sick of seeing tags anyway. I need some new challenges, weekly or monthly ones, I think, to get me crafting properly again. If you know of any that might be ok for me, I'd love to hear from you. I have been away for a whole month and haven't had a chance to read many blogs yet ( but I will ), so I probably missed a lot of info about new challenges.

Thats all for today, have a relaxing Sunday, toodlepip xxx


  1. What about the sketchbook challenge?

  2. Oh this one is beautiful!
    Have a fine Sunday,


  3. This is stunning. Welcome back.

  4. Dear Liz, so small a size and you can turn it into something amazing, love you golden inchie, Liz I know you love making tags, have you seen that Carolyn Saxby is hosting a new challenge Tag Tuesday, link in my last post, have a nice sunday.
    Hugs Anni

  5. ich hab zwar keeeeiiiiine ahnung von challenges, aber ich bin mir sicher, du wirst was passendes für dich finden und uns wieder bezaubernde ergebnisse zeigen :)

    ich schick dir liebe grüße auf die insel (oder bist du am festland?!)

    alles liebe

  6. Hi dear Liz, what a good spirit you have, to start a whole new year of weekly inchies, this little first one, looks gorgeous--and NO I am absolutely NOT sick of seing your alwayes so beautiful tags-so you just get started ,:)
    Warm hugs, Dorthe

  7. Hi Liz, your inchies always bring a smile to my face.

    Have a relaxing day and merci for popping in my shop!

  8. Hi Liz,
    wonderful golden inchies.

    What about I don't participate, but I read a lot about it on other blogs.


  9. Beautiful work!

  10. That's a posh one!
    What do you do with all these inchies? Do you make a yard?

    JJ x

  11. WOW its like a piece of Jewelry! Beautiful!
    Hugs Lynn


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