Monday 12 December 2011

Inchies, tags and little presents

Dang, can I cram everything I have to update you on into one post? One can but try, lol, just hope its not going to be too trying ( sigh, sorry, couldn't help myself ) for you.

Now that we got that stupid bit out of the way, I'll start with two week's worth of inchies. Last week was RED and this week is BLUE -

Ahem, you can probably tell that I have only just finished making the BLUE inchie......... the darned glue hasn't even dried yet, lol!

Tags, oh my, I have been making so many tags, and way too often I forget to photograph them. Like yesterday, when I made a tag specifically to go with the three miniature books I sold on Etsy. I was so chuffed to have found good pics of Blaise Pascal and Victor Hugo, and made a tag with those to go with the books, wrapped it, posted it this morning and then realised I hadn't taken any pics. Poo. Did take pics of a couple of others though -

This fun tag went with a vintage French madeleine baking tray -

This one went with a "manly" gift a customer bought -

And now I am going to show you a much much more beautiful tag, a BIG Christmas Card tag! I received this in the mail from my bloggy friend Lynn, from Trash to Treasure Art, and it is absolutely delightful. Aaahh, the details! It is embossed, has the sweetest image of two gorgeous young girls and the embellishments are twinkly and sparkly and perfect -

and all lit up with a golden glow from a stray ray of sunshine this morning -

Gorgeous, isn't it? Thank you, Lynn!

I have more to show you, but this post is already rather long. I think I will leave the other stuff for another post. If I get time this evening, I'll post it tonight. Thats a rather big if though, lol, don't hold your breath!

For now its toodlepip, xxx


  1. Hi dear Liz,-
    love your sweet inchies- what are you going to do with them when all are done? And the tags following the sales from your shop, are so wonderfully fitting...I do so love all your tags, but the gift one is beautiful,too.
    Wishes you a wonderful evening, my friend.
    Did you get my last mail?
    HUGS and x

  2. Hi dear Miss Lizzy Inchie Girl! Oh they sure are sweet! Yes they could make an incredible collage when put together! Your gift tags are also gorgeous - congrats on selling in your Etsy too!
    Lyn has sent you such a cute tag so nicely decorated!
    Hope you have a happy Christmas gift making week - enjoy yourself!
    Big hugs,

  3. Hello! Remember me? Been way too busy lately I'm afraid. I do like what you have been making especially the pretty red inchie. Is that leaf real? I love how you include a tag with your goods you sell. So thoughtful and a lovely surprise for the recipient. You might get people buying just so they can get one of your tags! Hope you are all well and enjoying the build up to Christmas. No snow yet?

  4. Liz Liz Liz..why do insist on making me drool...hehe!! Your inchies are cute..I love the button one!! I just love buttons period. Your tags are awesome...I like the man gift one. (but don't ask me to pick just one, ok?) What a lovely gift you received..always nice to get a pressie in the mail.


  5. Spectacular creations my dear!

  6. Hello Liz, such lovely tags and I love the inchies, what are they for do you make something with them? they are so pretty.

  7. I love your inchies and how you took the photos. Great.

  8. Your posts are always such eye-candies no matter how long they are, LOL! ;-)

  9. What a beautiful post of lovely treasures.

    barbara jean

  10. Falls ich es noch nicht erwähnt habe, ich liebe deine Tags!

  11. Awe Your so sweet. Love ya hun!


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