Thursday 17 November 2011

Two very late inchies and whats been keeping me busy

Oh dear, I have been neglecting my inchies with all this thinking about and planning for Christmas. But I did make last week's LIFE inchie and this week's DARING inchie this afternoon. Of course it was pitch black dark by the time I got round to photographing it, so I had to use flash and that really doesn't do anything for photographs. I'll take some pics of the inchies in daylight tomorrow morning and replace them. In the meantime, here is the LIFE inchie for the Every Inchie Monday challenge from last week -

This photo was taken by one of my tree surgeon son's friends, and shows the tiniest little shoot, a sycamore just sprouting into LIFE.

The next inchie, DARING, for this week's challenge, is another photograph. Tree surgeons really are daredevils, the way they climb and swing and work on those huge trees. This is a photo I took of Paul, Nick's work colleague as he was working on one of our 200+ year old sweet chestnut trees -


And this is whats been keeping me so busy over the last couple days - a tag book!

You all know how much I love my tags, and since the Tag Tuesday challenge finished, I've been a bit lost. I needed to make more tags to satisfy my muse, lol. So, one of my friends is going to get a little tag book as a Christmas pressie ( thats one off the list, lol, phew ). I can't mass produce, it takes me ages to select just the right image, the embellishments, the ribbons, so it has just 8 tags, more or less covering the 4 seasons of the year -

The first tag is a friendship tag -

Christmas -

Valentine's Day -

Spring -

Easter -

Summer -

Halloween -

Winter -

The end, lol

I probably end up making a few more of these, once you are a tagoholic its difficult to quit.

Back to more thinking and planning, and a nice cup of tea. Toodlepip xxx


  1. Hi Liz, I`m much too late here,lol
    Oh your tags are soooo lovely all, I love how many sweet details you have in your creations,-and the winter one, is BEAUTIFUL,
    your inchies shows in the most great way those two words- I can`t immagine you have made every little inch, for so many weeks- you rocks, my dear.
    Hugs and xx

  2. Love your tags liz so adorable.The lace and the colors are always fresh and dainty.


  3. wow, these tags are exclusif and beautiful.
    love the lace and all the pretty details

  4. Tes réalisations sont toujours si précises, nettes, fignolées !!! c'est un bonheur à regarder !
    à bientôt !

  5. Oh your photos for your inchies are so perfect for the words. I love your tags...absolutely delicious for my eyes!!

  6. Lizzie Lu!!! You have been up to some beautiful things! I am trying to make a "come back" to the blogging world, and be a more faithful follower and blogger! You one of my blogging friends that I miss the most! So here's hoping I can make good on my promise to myself to keep on bloggin!

  7. Your tag book is beautiful. What a lucky friend that gets this for Christmas.
    Hope you have a great holiday.

  8. Love the tags and the inchies are so appropriate for their themes.

  9. OH WOW, I love everything!!! Those inchies are wonderful and I adore that tag book--so gorgeous! I hope you're having a beautiful weekend, my friend.

  10. P.S. That tag book is SUCH a treasure--and so much work--and it's priceless!

  11. Dang girl... your work is so darn cute!!!

  12. Hi Liz,
    your tag book is such a treasure.
    Your friend will love it.
    Have a great day.

  13. One lucky friend Liz! Beautiful tag book - so pretty.


  14. oh I love that first little friendship tag, and all so very sweet.

  15. Hi Liz, what beautiful tags :) I love all the pretty trimmings you have use :) just beautiful!!!

  16. Hi Liz I know just how you feel. I think I'm running in circles these days! LOL.
    Darling incies but that tag book is to die for, OMG what a lucky friend you have. No doubt she will be over the moon when she gets it for Christmas.

    I'm working on tags too but as Christmas cards this year!

    Hugs Lynn

  17. Unbelievable- oh my gosh- your little tag book is so beautiful and special. I've never seen one of these before- I totally love the idea!! I can see how your tag making could be so addicting Liz- I'd love to know your inspirations for these.

    You photographed them beautifully!!


  18. WOW Liz I think you are suffering from "tagmania"! - just a bit like me with my journals (LOL!). I can only imagine you in your nest of laces, trims, images, buttons, bits and bobs - a bit like Vicki with her wool nests. But oh so much fun and it somehow takes over you!
    They are totally gorgeous! That friend must be very special!
    Have a wonderful day my friend and thanks for your visits lately. I'd love to roam around my garden with you and sit and have that cuppa too!
    Big hugs,

  19. WOW! You have really outdone yourself with these tag books!!! I mean being a cat of discriminating means and all, I call them like I see it and this madam is talent!!!!

    Two paws up!



  20. Dear Liz your tag book is so wonderful, all the tags have so many beautiful things added, loves that all seasons are represented, images on them are all lovely, great gift.
    Hugs Anni

  21. Oh my goodness! I love, love, love this tag book. You are so incredibly talented. Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration!
    Huggies ~


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