Thursday 6 October 2011

Bird Domino Book

I think I am becoming just a little bit hooked on these tiny little treasures. I made another domino book yesterday, and just looking at it makes me smile. And I am already planning the next one, lol. So please bear with me if I get somewhat carried away with photographs.

I used some really gorgeous bird graphics for this domino book. The front is decorated with a bird image, a tiny little real feather found in the garden, a little silk flower, an embossed paper leaf and a piece of a black feather from a vintage hat. For the background I tried to get that gorgeous vintage green and gold which you find on old original Lloyd Loom chairs. Like the one I have in the cottage in France.

The front -

The back-

Inside -

Outside -

I suppose I had better get some chores done before I start on the next one. DH and DS3 are going to France Saturday morning to get the cottage ready for the winter and to take some trees down on our property. Nick also has some work lined up with neighbours, hopefully that will keep them out of mischief, lol. Soooo, I should have plenty of time to list lots of the treasures I bought in France during the summer on my Vintageland blog or Artfire.

For now I wish you all a very good day and happy crafting. Toodlepip xxx


  1. ooo it's gorgeous!! It's on my to do list for a while now, have to finf my box of dominostones first.
    Love the bird images you used , They are absolutely beautiful!

  2. Liz, I am loving your domino books.
    The bird images are just gorgeous...
    As far as I am concerned, there is no such thing as too many pictures !!

    Bisous, G

  3. Hi Liz,
    I love your "tweet" domino book, simply lovely.
    Thanks for sharing my giveaway with your readers, you're a doll!
    enJOY a beautiful day,

  4. I can see why you;d get hooked on making those darling books. The bird book is exquisite. They would make such a petite, charished gift.

  5. awesome creative style! thank you much for sharing :)

  6. I love your domino book, Liz! The bird images are beautiful. Domino books are still on my to-do list.
    Never get tired of seeing the pictures.

  7. What a gorgeous book!


  8. Oh my gosh, Liz--this is brilliant AND beautiful!!! Such a special treasure and so dainty--I LOVE it!!!

  9. Hi Liz, these are lovely, you have inspired me to try my hand at one!

  10. OH dear Liz, it looks so beautiful- what fantastic colors those images have- and the frontand back are gorgeous. I HAVE to try making one,also- but for now there are only time for making goods for christmas....
    Hugs to you-

  11. Liz you never cease to amaze me - how nimble really are your fingers? The little book is divinely delicate and sweet with those beautiful bird images and, of course, it wouldn't be complete without those feathers!
    Hugs to our new Superstar,

  12. Your little domino book is a treasure with its birds and feather. Love the colors...

  13. Liz - I don't think I have ever seen anything like these little books made with dominoes! They are precious - what a creative idea! No wonder you are hooked on making them!! Way cute!!

    Have a great trip to France (you lucky dog!) - don't work too hard - and take pictures for us who wish we could be there too!


  14. What a lovely little book- such beautiful images!

  15. They are absolutely gorgous and charming. I think in time I will get to many treasures, just with the things I make myself. i think this must be on the to do list.:)

  16. Love your bird domino book Liz! The feather on the front adds just the perfect finishing touch!
    Looking forward to seeing all your fabulous finds!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    hugs Lynn

  17. Wow Liz, that is seriously beautiful. I love it!
    Have a lovely weekend x

  18. Your Domino book is so charming. So tiny and wonderful made. Love the bird images and the feather you used to complete it. Wonderful.

    have a nice weekend

  19. The domino book is great! I have never seen that before. You have a great time in France, what fun! Thank you for your kind words and congratulations, it means alot!


  20. Hi
    New addictions are always so much fun.
    Love the images on this wee book.

  21. Your book is gorgeous! I love the wonderful bird images you used! sooo pretty! Have a wonderful weekend!

  22. Oh my! That is awesome. I love miniatures and the domino books are so cute as necklaces. I bought the supplies, just haven't put down the needles long enough to make one. Yours are inspiring me to do so soon.

  23. Stunning domino book my dear!!!!

  24. oh wow this is just stunning the detail on this is just amazing,just love the domino book,you are so talented this really is one incredible,post love cherylxxxxx

  25. Hi Liz,
    your domino book is just gorgeous!!A real treasure.

  26. A beautiful, beautiful little domino book! I love the birds, and especially the cover you created--

  27. Love those domino books and they are so much fun to make, great gifts too! Hugs Marilou

  28. How cute can that be!! Again something I love.You leave such kind comments on my blog. Be sure and let me know if you use anything. Love to you and give the doggies a hug for me. Louise

  29. Gefällt mir super dieses kleine Dominobook!

  30. Bonjour, Liz, I wanted to drop in and say "merci beaucoup" for visiting my blog and leaving a comment about Marie's awesome tutorial. I've enjoyed perusing your blog -- and drooling over your vintage treasures from boot sales. I just recently learned about domino books. (I'm always behind!!) Yours is gorgeous!!


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