Wednesday 14 September 2011

Guess who is back in Blogland?

YES! That would be me, lol. We got back from our summer in France on the weekend, and ever since then, I have been trying to catch up with what seems like millions of missed blog posts from my favourite blogs. I am suffering from numb bum syndrome by now, I have spent that much time sitting here reading, and I am still about 3 1/2 weeks behind. I was so determined to catch up with all your news first, before writing a blog post, but heck, I can't wait any longer, I have so many photos to show you. Because I couldn't post much ( I really didn't want to impose on our friends too often ), I spent lots of time doing silly things like editing pics and putting them all into neat little folders, so once I start posting properly again, you will probably get a lot of one-themed posts, lol.

I know, I'll start with pretty flowers, how's about that? It is really difficult for us to plant or sow anything new at the cottage, because we are not there all the time, and young plants/seeds etc need a lot of looking after. So, flowers are not in abundance, in our garden/field, but I was delighted to see that a few of the seeds, which I had sowed in May had actually grown into flowers. Woohoo! I do have a few roses round the cottage as well, and they were flowering beautifully all summer long. They were still full of buds when we left. I do love wild flowers, and always pick some when we go wombling down the country lanes. They look so pretty in old French enamelled pitchers or glass bottles.

Here goes, French fleurs -

Leek flowers, wild daisies and those white lacy wild flowers which seem to have a hundred different names -

No idea what these wild flowers are called, but they are the prettiest shade of purple -

More stuff growing wild in the lower field, and I have no idea what these flowers are called either. But aren't they just the prettiest blue? And that tiny little pink tongue is just so delightful -

A tiny mixed bunch of wild flowers on an outside window sill -

And wild honeysuckle on the kitchen window sill -

One of the roses in the garden -

The packet said that these flowers would grow anywhere, and they did! Without being looked after! -

This is thyme, which grows wild in the top field. Can you imagine the wonderful scent when you walk through it? My craftavan is in the top field, and I always made sure I walked through a patch of thyme on my way to it -

And now I am going back to reading more blog posts. Only 3 1/2 weeks' worth to go! Tomorrow I need to post pics of a couple of Tag Tuesday challenge tags which are overdue, and I'll show you some vide greniers finds, if you like........

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Welcome back!
    I think the purple flower might be Knapweed. The blue one, um, I know it and cant think what it is. But so pretty!

  2. Oh how lovely, Liz. I think I agree about the knapweed. I'm also thinking how LOOOONG those flower stalks must be, to stand up so well in that enormous pitcher! It's my downfall - having flowers that are just too short. Looking forward to more!

  3. And about time too!! Honestly you've been away for far too long in my opinion. Yes I've missed you! Anyway good to have you back. I did mean to write to you but you know that old time thing. Glad you have had a great time in France.

    Those nastursians (sp) are going to take over you garden so fast you will not be able to find the garden on your next visit. My veggie garden suffered the same fate but I've since ripped them out. I fear there seeds will not be giving up.

  4. Hi dear Liz-
    WELCOME BACK HOME -so good to see you here again.
    I love your French flowers, and photoes- the blue one with the tungue is called :"snake herb" translated directly from danish-???
    Love the Honysuckle and rose,too.
    I look forward hearing from you, and seing loads of french finds, and photoes, :)
    Big hugs-Dorthe

  5. Looks like you had a blast, I love the different wild flowers, theres something wonderfully rustic in a bunch of these lovelies!


  6. Missed your posts. Glad you had a good time. The flowers are so pretty.

  7. Welcome back, Lizzie!!! Just yesterday I had talked about you with a mutual friend and we both thought you should be back from France soon and here you are :-).
    I love wild flowers and yours look very pretty in those wonderful enameled pitchers.
    Have a great day :-)!
    Hugs to you,

  8. Welcome back!!! Your photos are beautiful!! Can't wait for more!!!

  9. Welcome home! gorgeous flowers , we call the purple one korenbloem, don't know how what their name is in english

  10. Hi Liz,
    welcome back and thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!!
    Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.

  11. Welcome home!
    Boy - that went fast!!! It seems like you just left!
    I can't wait to see everything you brought back...I can only IMAGINE!
    Love all the flowers!
    How are the dogs?
    Big hugs! Karen

  12. Welcome back Liz! I'm happy to read you again. Your house in France is simply stunning and all those flowers...oh I love them!
    A big big hug,


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