Saturday 13 August 2011

Wanna see a couple of fab finds?

What would I do without my wonderful friends Frank and Christine, who live in the valley and can get broadband internet? We just had the most delicious dinner with them and now I am sitting here with my laptop, chatting with them and doing a quick post at the same time.

I thought I'd show you just a few recent finds. Guess what? LACE, of course, lol. I was thrilled to bits to find these beautiful laces, they are the most gorgeous colours, greens, blues, purple, and made with really fine thread as well.

OK, here goes............

In the same batch I also found the same sort of lace in different shades of cream and brown-

I found some really beautiful antique lace a couple of days ago at an evening vide greniers but I haven't edited the pics yet,, I'll leave that for another day.

Here are just a couple of other things -

Gorgeous old cast iron table bases -

Turn of the century floral ashtray-

Number plate of an old little French motorised bicycle

Thats all for today, have to get home before I drink too much of this very nice red wine. I hope to be able to do another post soon. Until then, toodlepip, miss you gals,

Liz xxx


  1. Dearest Liz, that place is so rich in wonderful finds- how amazing are the iron bace for table- and all the LACE I mean where else can anyone find such a bunch of beauty, and in all those beautiful colors-oh,oh,oh -so perfect for your beautiful art.
    Big hug-Dorthe

  2. Such fabulous finds - the colours of the lace are just gorgeous and I'm also loving that ashtray. xxx

  3. What great finds, I love the table braces and that lace is to die for.
    Hugs, Jackie

  4. Oh Liz...some beautiful finds. I love all the colors. (I see a gypsy dancing by the fire light ^_^) Love the unique iron and victorian pieces too. You have the eye girl..that's for sure. Enjoy your wine and friends and know that you are missed.


  5. Oh My Liz - those laces are amazing. The colors are wonderful and just perfect. What a great find.
    xo Tina

  6. Liz, what gorgeous finds! I love the lace in all it's colors, and the table legs are devine. Looks like you are enjoying France! I need to make myself a craftavan! How fun is that???

  7. Hey Liz, You lucky girl! These are wonderful finds! Besides the pretty laces I love those cast iron table bases. They are gorgeous! I keep my fingers cross for more exciting brocantes and hope you have more beautiful weather in France than we do here.
    Sending big hugs to you,

  8. Liz, the colors are gorgeous and I love the old, crinkly look of them too! The ashtray is really unique. How are you going to repurpose it?

    Hugs, Diane

  9. Oh, those laces. The colors are absolutely lovely!!! I love to dye lace but mine are not anywhere near as beautiful as these!!!

  10. ¡Preciosas puntillas de encaje de bolillos! felicitaciones


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