Wednesday 1 June 2011

White Wednesday in France

I was so pleased to find our trees flowering when we got to the cottage last week. It is so easy to miss the flowering, as the trees only produce those wonderful bunches of white flowers for a very short time. The trees are called false acacias in France ( no idea what their proper name is ) and they grow everywhere and are really somewhat of a nuisance. But........ their flowers are quite gorgeous and edible as well -

This is what the trees look like -

The marguerites were also growing everywhere in our field. I picked a big bunch of them for the house of course -

Right by the gate grows a mock orange shrub, and the scent coming off the blossoms is intoxicating, I love it -

I picked a few little blossoms for the house as well, and it was such a pleasure walking past the tiny bowl filled with them -

Just one little flower, but the beautiful scent is so strong -

I can sit on my beloved white French garden chair, soak up the beautifully peaceful atmosphere and enjoy the scents wafting through the garden -

This time of the year, the hedgerows are covered in blossoms as well. There is wild honeysuckle everywhere -

Wild hedgerow roses -

and the beautiful tiny white flowers of the elderberry bush -

I am going out this morning to pick some for elderflower cordial. Haven't made any in years, but we used to love the delicately flavoured drink so much.

Seems I only photographed one white thing in the house, lol, this beautifully hand embroidered 19th Century top, which my Napoleon III manequin is currently wearing -

The rest of the France pics will follow a bit later on this week. Gotta get my Tag Tuesday tag done first ( late, of course, lol ), and need to have a serious think about what to include in the giveaway, have a pick/create session probably ................

Toodlepip, xxx

I am linking this post to the fabulous White Wednesday over at the Faded Charm Cottage


  1. Oh Liz, what a wonderful greeting,you had in this special place of yours, I love all the beautiful flowers, in white, the first shown, looks fantastic-what a sight to have a tree full of those flowers--lucky you :)
    Big hug-Dorthe

  2. What a lot of pretty flowers, especially the hedgerow roses. I love that antique top too. The ladies sure did wear pretty clothes in the old days.

  3. Beautiful and so peaceful seeming!

  4. I have to know is that an older dress form or are they new. They are very attractive.

  5. Hi Outjunking, would have loved to answer your question properly by email, but was unable to as you don't have an email on your blog. The dress form is French, Napoleon III, from about 1870 and has ever such a tiny little waist. The male form, which you can just catch a little glimpse of is 19th Century and I think it came from Austria. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Lovely post sweetie!!

    barbara jean

  7. What a wonderful flowerage you have in your garden, Liz. A perfect place to relax and to enjoy the view.
    The top is beautiful and I also love your mannequins.
    Hugs to you,

  8. The flowers are heavenly!!!! I have a mock orange also, but things have been so cold this year,isnt even close to blooming yet! Gorgeous photos Liz!
    hugs Lynn

  9. Ahhhhh ... can't tell you how happy I am you posted photos of the 'false acacia', as the last time we were lost in France (as usual) we found ourselves rolling down a lovely country lane with a long colonnade of these trees on either side of the road. We thought we'd died and gone to heaven by sight of all those blooming trees scattering their petals and incredibly heady scent through all four fully opened car windows ... a road covered in petal strewn snow ... a sight irrevocably seared into my memory banks for a lifetime. Thanks so much for taking away more than a year's worth of fretting over the name of them ... although I did think they were some sort of acacia from the scent alone!


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