Wednesday 22 June 2011

Tag Tuesday - The Number 7, White Wednesday, and last day of the giveaway!

This week's challenge over in the Blog Challenge Garden was to use the Number 7 on our tags. I love these challenges, they kick my brain into gear. Mind you, thats not always such a good idea, lol, because then loads of ideas start spinning around up there and I have trouble picking one. I did settle very quickly on this one though, I was in a pale, creamy mood.

It took me ages to find the right little faces I wanted to use as a faint background, I have so many pretty little girls in my collection . If you look closely at the tag, you can see that there are SEVEN beautiful little faces in the background. The NUMBER SEVEN is made up of little lace flowers and of course there are SEVEN little sparklies on either side at the top of the tag.

Tadaaaaa -

If you have a few minutes and like looking at tags, then please hop over to the Blog Challenge Garden and see what the others have come up with.

As this tag is made with lots of shades of white, I am also linking this to White Wednesday over at the gorgeous Faded Charm blog. You'll have a ball going through all the fabulous white links!

Today is your last opportunity for entering the giveaway. I will be drawing the winners first thing tomorrow morning. If you haven't entered yet, you can do so HERE

And yes, that wasn't a typo, I did mean winnerS, I have decided to draw a second name and send them a little something. And because all good things come in threes, there will be a third name drawn as well, for another little something. Which I haven't decided on yet, lol.

Good luck to all who have entered, and toodlepip xxx


  1. This tag is one of my favorites defnitely! I LOVE the flower design and subtle colours! :D


  2. Lovely tag, I still have to do mine - but I think I need to do something grungy! Valerie

  3. I loved finding the faces in this special tag. It is truly unique and wonderful. How in the world did you do it? Did you simply press lightly on the stamp to get such an effect? I love it.

  4. Woww,this tag is amazing,the seven flowers is wonderfull.very romantic.

    Hugs Jeannette

  5. What a gorgeously pretty tag - I love it! A beautiful giveaway too - have entered my name immediately!


  6. Love this tag, specially the tiny flowers.
    Thanks for stopping by to visist my bird tag post.]
    Have a great week.

  7. So lovely.. I am off to check out the others..t hansk for sharing them all with us..

  8. This has such a dreamy quality, Liz and is quite lovely. Thank you for the sweet words you posted about my tag! I find that when we are relaxed and the art flows, it comes from the heart. Yours are very different than mine because that's who we are. I used to get frustrated when I tried to do things differently, then I began to realize that what came out was who I am and that the colors made me very happy. So now I just let the "me" out which is inside. Not to say you shouldn't try dark colors, but if you find that you want to change then, or make more of a fantasy, or more romantic, that might be the "you" in you wanting to come out. I hope that makes sense! Your art is quite lovely and says a lot!


  9. Just beautiful, love the different tones of white, Celeste,

  10. Sooo beautiful,Liz- I think your background is gorgeus and all the little "daysies" making up the 7- looks sweet and -yes beautiful-a lovely white/pale piece, dear.

  11. I love the tag! What do you do with them, do you sell them or use them in your home? I'm so excited about the giveaway!
    Have a great day!
    XXX Ido

  12. Soooo sweet and pretty...Love the soft background image and the way you have incorporated 7 in your tag :)
    Jan x

  13. Such a fantastic idea and a very wonderful tag.

  14. What a beautiful tag!!Just Lovely!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  15. Hi Liz, Your # 7 tag is gorgeous. I love all the details! I'm going to enter your give away, I don't know how I missed entering before what a awesome gift. XO, Linda

  16. Beautiful tag......very pretty seven!!

  17. Wow! I didn't see the faces at first, because I think my eyes are starting to "bug out", from too much time on the computer! Time to take a break soon! (0; Great tag!.. And have a great weekend! ~tina

  18. Ein zauberhaftes tag, Liz!! Wunderschön!!

  19. Great! I love this vintage-Tag and the beautiful faces on it.

    Have a great day Petra


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