Thursday 19 May 2011

A gift and a goodbye

My dear friend Sarah of Red Gingham in New Zealand sent me a beautiful gift! I had admired her quirky rabbits for ages, and guess what arrived in the mail? Yep, a sweet little rabbit! A gorgeously girly rabbit!

She arrived wrapped in the loveliest fabric and tied with a bright pink ribbon -

with a sweet pink card -

And here is my beautifully rabbit -

she has a gorgeous flower in her, I was going to say hair, but I suppose its fur, lol -

and she is wearing the cutest little dress, made from a vintage doily -

She is adorable -

I really don't know how you found the time to make this one, as you were so incredibly busy with the Christchurch appeal. Thank you so much, Sarah, for spending precious hours making this little darling for me!

And now for the goodbye bit.........................

We are off to France again for a week or thereabouts, and as I don't have internet access at our cottage, I won't be able to post or read blogs for the next 7-10 days. Make the most of it, lol, I'll soon be back with way too long posts, lol. If I do get the chance to sneak onto friends' computers then I will of course post a quick hello. Perhaps I ought to ask you all to stop posting for a week, lol, otherwise I will be spending DAYS catching up when I get back, tehehee.

Toodlepip xxx


  1. Totally adorable rabbit, and have a lovely time in France, Liz!

  2. Have a great time in France, Liz. xx

  3. gorgeous rabbit - lucky you.
    Have a great week x

  4. How cute! And so "you" lace Lady!
    Enjoy your break and please don't raid all the vide greniers on your way, LOL!

  5. Adorable bunny - she's really cute! Have a good time in France.

  6. Freaked me out a bit, when I aw the 'goodbye'.
    Glad it is only a week or so!!

    sweet bunny. =)

    barbara jean

  7. OH THAT IS TOO CUTE!!!! I love the rabbit! Isnt it so sweet of her?! :) Ill be missing you, hop[e you have a smashing time in France! Have a good one!


  8. How sweet of your friend to send you such an adorable little rabbit.

    Enjoy your time away and we will all be right here when you return. Eager to hear all about your trip.


  9. Have a great time in France, I know you will! Don't worry we'll be here when you get back!
    I love your adorable rabbit! Will you put that in your pink room in France?

  10. what a lovely rabbit and enjoy your holiday in France...

  11. Sarah's rabbits really are gorgeous, and yours I can see was made especially for you with the ever so cute dress.

  12. What a cute rabbit!

    Have a great time in France.

    Victoria xx

  13. OK, so she really is the most ADORABLE little bunny.
    And you are off in France - exploring all kinds of wonderful shopping expeditions!
    A giveaway! FROM YOU?
    Oh my stars! Anything!!!! With maybe a tad or two of lace...(how did you know I'd say that?
    Have a safe and wonderful trip and SHARE all your wonderful experiences when you get back!
    HUGS! Karen


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